Astrology 101: Gems for a better future

Posted by alok v.
Aug 28, 2018

Gemstones are being used for astrological solutions since time immemorial. In Vedic astrology, gemstones hold a very special place due to the amazing benefits they bestow upon the wearer. We talked to best astrologer in Mumbai, Sundeep Kochar about how different gemstones can help the wearer create a better future.

1. Ruby (Manik)

According to astrologer Sundeep Kochar, rubies can help a person overcome timidity. “Ruby is a warm gemstone, and hence revitalizes the wearer’s internal system – both physical and mental,” he suggests.

Since the Sun is the King of the zodiac, wearing a ruby is also known to shower the wearer with immense favors from Lady Luck. Also, the crimson red color of Ruby promotes love and passion, and is often gifted as a mark of undying love.

2. Pearl (Moti)

According to famous astrologer and gemologist Sundeep Kochar, wearing pearls comes with great intellectual and health benefits, since the gemstone is reflects the aura of the Moon. Hence, pearls instill clarity of mind, peace, good health and a state of calm in the life of the wearer.

3. Coral (Moonga)

Ruled by the God of warfare and vitality, Mangal, Red Coral is believed to aid the wearer overcome his/her adversaries. “Moonga provides the wearer with the necessary courage and enthusiasm to surmount all obstacles presented by life. It also pulls the wearer out of lethargic attitude,” quips Sundeep Kochar, one of the top astrologers in India.

4. Emerald (Panna)

According to Sundeep Kochar, emerald gemstone is respected in Vedic astrology due to its tremendous recuperating forces. “Emerald is interfaced with the Anahata (heart) chakra and is viewed as corrective for illnesses related to this chakra. Hence is particularly useful for outfitting profound energies and mend the issues identified with the psyche,” he suggests.

5. Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)

Yellow Sapphire bestows great benefits upon the wearer, largely due to its influence over the powerful planet Jupiter. The stone is known for favoring unmarried girls who are having a difficult time finding a suitable groom. Other benefits that come with wearing Yellow Sapphire include upliftment of the wearer’s spirit, inflicting happiness and joy in one’s life, and combating negative vibes.

6. Diamond (Heera)

Diamond improves the position of the planet Venus in the wearer’s horoscope. According to celebrity astrologer and gemologist Sundeep Kochar, a person wearing diamond gemstone will have improved and generous thoughts.

7. Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

According to celebrity astrologer and gemologist Sundeep Kochar, Blue Sapphire gemstone is ruled by Saturn, the planet which oversees the brain of the local. Consequently, wearing blue sapphire leaves a mending impact on the brain. It restores mental peace, and encourages mental recuperation by driving the negative musings out.

Wondering what impact would a particular gemstone inflict upon you? Download Astro App by Sundeep Kochar now! Available for free download across Android and iOS platforms.

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