Assuring education, Ensuring Quality

Posted by Ratul Puri
Feb 13, 2018
“Every child should have the opportunity to receive a quality education.”

The right to education is not only the right to access education but it is about receiving quality education. In India where more than half of the population is still illiterate, it is very much important to focus not only in the availability and accessibility of education, but it should also be acceptable and adaptable. A quality education is today’s need as it the most powerful weapon to eradicate poverty and build a strong nation. Empirical analysis reveals a strong positive relationship between education and economic growth. India has a large population in the school going age of 6-18, which is more than 25% of the total population. India has the full potential to use this demographic dividend to its advantage if the children can be imparted education that prepares them to face the real world with confidence.

Creating vision through quality education
One of the leading childcare education foundations in India truly believes in empowering children with high quality education, regardless of their social or economic status. They also focus on the quality of early childhood education schools in India. Real quality in education is the basic fundamental to the quality of the human resource of the nation which is responsible for its growth. The scope of education is extremely wide and therefore students are constantly looking for trustworthy educational avenues. Their parents too are constantly in search of bettering the lives of their children through fruitful education.

Keeping this in mind, branding of education has become necessary. An educational brand succeeds on the basis of faith and trust and therefore quality of education imparted would be the first and foremost consideration for a stakeholder to choose an educational brand.

Ensuring quality check
Quality education leads to an excellent student education and the future of the country depends on quality education. The childcare education foundation of India ensures that quality is at the heart of education. Certain important points that is taken into consideration while checking the quality of education are-
  •     Teachers’ role in ensuring education in children.
  •     Classroom processes- classroom management, effective student teacher interactions, structured teaching and nature of activities focusing on learning.
  •     Evaluation and assessment of students and teachers as well.
  •     School effectiveness and school infrastructure

Well-being of the society depends on the well being of the people living in it and for well being of the people quality education is the necessity.

We’re done with this post on Assuring education, Ensuring Quality. To know more about topics such as Children education Foundation in India, early childhood education schools. keep reading our forthcoming articles.

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