Ask Anyone, They Won’t Deny Going for Home Remedies for Health Issues
Don’t you think that home remedies actually work?
This is the best way to change your lifestyle and thinking
is to adopt home remedies. The advantages to going for home remedies are that
they are low at no cost and they can quickly heal you without going to the
doctors or an expensive tour to a pharmacy.
Well, they are more natural than other cures. Some of the
remedies have come from Eastern medicine and some are of grandma and grandpa.
There is no doubt about it that they are fun and entertaining.
There are several remedies that really sound sense but some
are really out of the box and dangerous. Some
of the remedies are as follow:
Ginger (Nausea and
Sore Throat): You can easily found ginger in vegetable mart or in grocery
stores. It’s been used for 1000 years by India and China as a medicine. How
ginger helps your sore throat?
Put a crushed ginger in warm water and stir it with a spoon
to soothe sore throats. You can also go for pickled, thinly gingers, like you
see in Sushi restaurants.
Olives (Nausea):
It is actually a fruit. It produces oils which are used in cooking and other
application. They are actually fermented before they come edible. To get rid of
nausea from morning or motion sickness, what you should do is simply eat few
(Digestion): They are actually a natural herb. Its leaves are dried to make
to make tea and also to get essential oils from it. Drinking peppermint tea or
adding few drops of oil to the water can help you with digestion.
Dandelion tea
(Bloating): Don’t think it as weeds. They are actually useful small plants.
They are used in salad and as a flavoring in root beer. They are even used to
make wine. Dandelion is used for detoxifying and liver enhancing purposes in
herbal medicine. The tea can be bit bitter, so just add little sugar to get a
good taste.
Baking Soda (Bee
stings, poison ivy, teeth whitening, Otis and odors): It is actually a
crystallized form of the alkaline chemical element sodium bicarbonate. If you
are hit with bee stings or poison, then make a paste of water and baking soda
to soothe the burn of the sting. It helps in reducing the redness and
itchiness. Well for tooth whitening, try to make a baking soda paste or you can
even add to your toothpaste.
Conclusion: Now what are
your favorite health
and healing home remedies? It’s actually simple and seen fact that
every family has its own home remedies for health problems and they really
work. But if you get stuck up with any serious issues, then just don’t rely on
these remedies. You need to see a professional for this.
Above discussed remedies will really help you with
particular health problems. There are several other methods like holistic
health care, which can also help you with all these problems and give
you better health and lifestyle.