Are You Sabotaging Your Dream Life? Do you know what’s really holding you back?
You’re no stranger to personal growth. You’ve read books, studied programs, maybe even attended a class or two. And yes, you’ve most likely enjoyed some success. But why are lasting and life-changing results still beyond your reach?
If you’re like most people, life is still a mixture of good days and bad days. You may not be poor or gravely ill, but you worry about your money and health a little more often than you’d like. You long for the time and freedom to live life on your own terms. You wish you were better at manifesting your goals.
And so you’ve probably wondered to yourself on more than a few occasions: what will it take to be one of those ‘lucky people’ who can almost effortlessly get all the opportunities at work? Lead social movements in their communities? Live a spiritual yet abundant life? Enjoy blissful relationships and perfect health? The unlikely answer lies in…
An invisible force that shapes your life experience.
This concept has been around for centuries. Throughout history, various cultures have devised systems to work with energy. The Chinese practice Qi Gong and Tai Chi. The Indians, Kundalini. In Japan, Reiki is a popular practice. Even the much-touted Law of Attraction is based on this very theory. The Global Information Network - however, take this theory step further into practice.
Every person on the planet vibrates at a unique rate known as a personal energetic frequency.
A frequency that silently influences the circumstances, people and events you attract into your life.
A high energetic frequency attracts good things like career success, self-confidence, wellbeing, abundance, true friends and soulmates. While a low energetic frequency attracts the wrong people, negativity, lack and illness.
And so the big question is…Are your vibrations helping or hurting you?
Now it`s time that you start practicing and using this information the right way to change your personal energetic frequency and become LUCKY!
That`s what our club - The Global Information Network is all about.
Go to: and sign up by using affiliate code: goldenmind
Prosperity, abundance and luck is waiting for You!
Have a super day,
International GIN MEMBER level IV
Sandi Lovrecic
skype: skindder
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