Ancient Origins of Thanksgiving

Posted by Gaurang Thakor
Nov 23, 2017
Image Despite the fact that the American idea of Thanksgiving created in the settlements of New England, its roots can be followed back to the opposite side of the Atlantic. Both the Separatists who came over on the Mayflower and the Puritans who arrived not long after carried with them a custom of fortunate occasions—days of fasting amid troublesome or critical minutes and days of devouring and festivity to say thanks to God in times of bounty.

As a yearly festival of the harvest and its abundance, also, Thanksgiving falls under a class of celebrations that compasses societies, mainlands and centuries. In old times, the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans devoured and paid tribute to their divine beings after the fall yield. Thanksgivings moreover looks somewhat like the old Jewish harvest celebration of Sukkot. At last, history specialists have noticed that Native Americans had a rich custom of honoring the fall harvest with devouring and fun much sooner than Europeans set foot on their shore.

Wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving Day
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