Acute Ischemic Stroke: Its Types, Symptoms, and Treatment
Acute Ischemic Stroke is the primary cause of about 90% of cases of stroke. This stroke happens when a clot blocks the flow of blood in the brain. In most of the cases, Acute Ischemic Stroke happens due to the occurrence of large vessel occlusion (LVO). The occurrence of LVO is the most debilitating and severe type of stroke. In this condition, the blood clot would bock a major artery in the brain. This would prevent the blood from reaching the major parts of the brain. For the milder cases, the condition of the stroke would recede after taking Acute Ischemic Stroke Medicine.
Different types of Acute Ischemic Stroke:
There are mainly two types of Acute Ischemic Stroke. They are thrombotic and embolic strokes. They would be depending on the location of the formation of the blood clot.
Thrombotic strokes:
This type of stroke would happen when the clot occurred in the artery of the brain. This would block the flow to the brain thus resulting in a stroke.
Embolic strokes:
In this type of stroke, the blood clot would travel from the somewhere else to the brain blood vessels. It would get stuck there and would stop the flow the blood the various parts of the brain. These types of strokes would be cured by taking Ischemic Stroke Treatment Medication on a regular basis.
What are the symptoms of Acute Ischemic Stroke?
Generally, doctors would check the patient by following the FAST (Face, Arm, Speech, Time) rule. According to fast rule, the initial signs of Acute Ischemic Stroke would be identified through this rule. Weakness in arms, face drooping, and having difficulty in speech would be the first signs of the stroke. Taking Acute Ischemic Stroke Medicine would provide relief to the patient for some temporary moment.
The symptoms of one patient would differ from another patient. The severity of the stroke would heavily depend on the location of the blood clot in the brain. Given below are some of the symptoms of Acute Ischemic Stroke.
- The patient would experience a change in his mental alertness.
- He or she would experience changes in the taste and hearing.
- The patient would experience problems while swallowing.
- He or she would experience paralysis on one side of the body.
- The patient would even experience a loss of balance and dizziness.
- He or she might experience problems with his or her eyesight.
Treatment of the Acute Ischemic Stroke:
Ischemic Stroke Treatment Medication would consist of two basic ways for restoring the flow of the blood. The first way would be a shot of clot-dissolving serum and the second way would be a surgical method which would be the invasive procedure for physically removing the clot. This procedure is known as mechanical thrombectomy. Physicians would choose either the combination of both mechanical thrombectomy and medications or the single treatment.
In the end, we can say that Acute Ischemic Stroke is a very deadly disease that would cause death to the patient. When you would experience the symptoms similar to the above mention symptoms, them immediately contact consult your doctor for a diagnosis.