Access Ultimate Goddess Power During This Nine Night Period...

Posted by Pillai Center
Oct 12, 2020

Find out how and when you can receive initiation to the most powerful Goddesses…

“...The Goddess, the female and the Creatress is more powerful than the male God himself...She is the most powerful energy. What power does she have? She has the power of the spirit. She is the  dynamic form of the spirit. She is the one that brings joy.”  - Dr. Pillai, Spiritual Scientist, Academic Scholar, Philanthropist, International Speaker, and World Thought Leader.

The Goddess is the embodiment of divine power, creation, and intelligence. Connecting with Goddess energy can remove obstacles from your life, bring beauty and joy to your life, and aid you in manifesting your desires more quickly. Although you can access Goddess energy any day, there are special times throughout the year that act as powertimes for connecting with the Goddess. One such time is called Navaratri.

What Is Navaratri?

“The Goddess has ultimate compassion for human beings especially during Navaratri, to wake us up to an understanding of our own capabilities for living God-consciousness. She is ready to give us this opportunity but then, very, very few people know how to reach out to her.”

 - Dr. Pillai

Goddess worship is the ultimate worship, according to the Siddhas. Navaratri, a nine day period between October 17 - 26, is a special time when the Goddess is believed to descend to Earth to destroy negative forces and help you reach your full potential. You can return to the Goddess during this time by choosing three Goddesses to connect with during this nine day period and chant their mantra for three days each. You can also join a specialized program such as Dr. Pillai’s Return of the Goddess program. This program imparts special initiations and empowerment into the Goddesses. Dr. Pillai has intuited that three Goddesses will be the most prominent for Navaratri this year. They will be among the easiest to access and have the potential to give you the most powerful results. Dr. Pillai created Return of the Goddess to teach you how to work with these Goddesses to change your destiny.

Learn To Connect With Your Womb Chakra

“According to the Indian Goddess tradition, the male God did not create the world; it was the Goddess. The male only causes it, but the actual creation is in the domain of the Goddess who knows how to transform energy into matter. The whole process takes place within the womb.”

-Dr. Pillai 

The Goddess is creation, therefore she is deeply connected to the womb chakra - the space in a woman’s body that holds her creative power. Connecting with your womb space during Navaratri is not only incredibly healing but can also result in powerful creative manifestations. The most powerful Goddess who represents womb energy is Mother Mary. Mother Mary is associated with love, mercy, purity and miracles. During his Return of the Goddess program, Dr. Pillai teaches techniques on how to connect with both the energy of Mother Mary and your own womb chakra. 

Which Goddesses Are Most Powerful?

Although you can connect with any Goddess during Navaratri there are certain Goddesses who come forward most powerfully each season. This year, Mother Mary, Varahi and Bala Tripura Sundari have revealed themselves as the leading energies of Navaratri. Learn more about each of these Goddesses and the blessings they can bring you here

If you’re looking for beauty, wealth, blessings, love and free flowing creativity, connecting with the Goddess this Navaratri will greatly benefit you. Wishing you blessings and Goddess energy this season!

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