Academic Listening & Reading

Welcome to:-
Academic Listening
IELTS Educational Packages
case of knowledge, and in other
cases you need to know how the exams work specifically in order to succeed.
With IELTS courses, you can
prepare thoroughly for your next step into the world of English academia, and
once you've passed the necessary tests, you will be able to apply for places
with a vast array of high education courses, either in a city you've already lived
in and fallen in love with, or in somewhere new altogether. After all, there's
so much of the UK to explore, you wouldn't want to limit yourself too early on!
Be aware that IELTS courses are
specifically for those who wish to prepare for the International English
Language Test System, which is purely for academic purposes. This is not a
qualification which will be recognised by employers, and you should instead
look at other courses if you're trying to boost your career prospects. They are
accepted by more than 9000 organisations around the world, and there is a
general training program as well if you simply want to improve on your existing
English language skills.
Assuming you wish to study at
an English speaking university, you will need an excellent level of English.
This includes writing and reading, speaking and listening. The test lasts a
total of two hours and forty five minutes, and while the listening, reading and
writing parts are all done in one sitting, the speaking test can be done on the
same day, or up to a week before or after the other sections.
There are lots of ways to find
an IELTS testing centre, and you will be able to find approved preparation
courses at many colleges. If you're not quite sure which course you're looking
for, or even if the course is suitable for you, look at the application for the
course you want to attend, or speak to the university which you're applying
for. They'll be able to give you guidance about whether an IELTS course will be
right for you.
Look for testimonials, or speak
to students who have passed their tests already as this will give you a better
understanding of what the course is like than you might find in the information
provided by the college. Use this in combination to decide whether the
structure and style of the course is right for you, and based on your own
personal time frame (or deadlines given by the university or college which is
requesting International English Language Testing to confirm suitability of
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