Abdominoplasty Treatment Recovery

Abdominoplasty which is also
known as the Tummy Tuck
is a procedure that is used to improve the features of the abdomen. It is a
surgical procedure in which excess fat removed from the body. The tissue around
the abdomen is tightened. The skin that remains from the fat removal procedure
is then relocated. If the patient has too much extra skin and can’t be
relocated then that skin is removed.
The procedure is done to lift the floppy figure of the abdomen. The floppy abdomen is not always caused by fat but also weak elasticity of the skin, excess skin and stretching of the inner girdle. It happens when the belly is stretched due to some changes in the body such as pregnancy or weight gain.
People who need Abdominoplasty must have one of the following characteristics.
If Liposuction hasn’t improved the shape of your belly if you have a weak skin of the lower part of your abdomen. You have excess skin around the areas of the belly button.
Recovery time
The recovery time of Abdominoplasty is long as it is a major surgery in which patient will need anesthetic.
The first week of Recovery.
During the first week, the patient will feel a lot of discomforts. There will be lots of swelling and bruising in the abdomen so it will be necessary for the patient to take pain medications during this time for their own comfort.
Immediately after the recovery the area of operation will be stitched and wrapped in bandages. The compression garments are used to wrap your body. Using the compression garments will help in, reducing swelling, prevention of blood clots and will also help your body in healing into your desired shape and contour.
During the first week, the patient will be prescribed to take antibiotics on a regular basis because the procedure creates a large incision which could cause infection. The patient would be instructed about their sitting position as well as the position in which they would lay.
Tubes will also be inserted which would drain the excess fluid from the body. You will be given instruction regarding the drainage of your tubes. Medication would be given to you in order to avoid infection and minimize the discomfort.
The second week of Recovery
During this time your swelling and bruising will begin to subside at this point you will still be instructed to take antibiotics and should avoid any activity that puts a strain on your body. You will still be instructed to change your bandages and cleans your incision regularly.
At this point, your stitches will be removed however this varies from patient to patient and their recovery speed and the type of their surgery. The patient should also wear compression garments at this point. During the patient’s second week he/she would be encouraged to walk so that any blood clots formation could be provided. During this time the patient can go back to their work. However, people with strenuous jobs are instructed to rest until their incision is healed.
Third week and beyond
During your third to fourth-week, the patient will mostly be back to normal and can begin their routine exercise but should avoid exercise that put a strain on incision such as weight lifting, chin up and pushups for a few weeks. In most cases, patients are able to return to their routine and regular exercise after six weeks.
After three to four weeks the patient can stop wearing their compression garments and can return to your normal activity. Patients would now be able to return to their everyday diet and can also take alcohol in a small amount. The pain and swelling would disappear during this time. The effects of swelling can sometimes last for a long time.
Patients are expected to experience these symptoms after the treatment however each patient’s recovery time is different and the conditions vary from person to person. Some patients recover quickly while other some take time to recover.
Obesity and stubborn fats are the problem of every individual now a days. Everyone is reluctant to have contoured and toned body. Tummy tuck, abdominoplasty and liposuction are helpful in this regard. Continue reading for more details.
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