A new option: Fat transfer to the Breast

Posted by Dr. Otto Placik
Oct 15, 2017
Image In the past, most women contemplating breast augmentation were offered breast implants as the primary method of accomplishing enlargement.While they were able to select the size of the implant, the patients only had their choice of either saline or silicone. Today, fat, derived from their own bodies using liposuction is a new option for autologous breast augmentation.
Although this can be a more involved procedure at the outset because it requires obtaining the fat from a donor site, followed by injection at the recipient site, it does offer the potential for a lifelong correction that does necessarily require revisions. This is unlike breast implants, which unlike fat, may breakdown or rupture or become encapsulated, necessitating removal and/or replacement.
Fat transfer to the breast to the breast is a complex procedure that requires specialized knowledge of anatomy that is best accomplished by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon.
The beauty of fat is that it is natural and has often been termed natural breast augmentation. It can correct a variety of options such as congenital breast deformities and asymmetry. It can be performed in combination with a breast lift. In some instances it is also used to improve the results of a breast implant procedure. It can cover visible portions of the implant and/or accomplish cleavage that a breast implant cannot. It is also useful in chest wall asymmetries such as pectus excavatum or scoliosis. It is employed to correct small or localized irregularities that can be due to nature, trauma or previous surgery. It is increasingly being utilized for breast reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer as well.
To see examples, visit the photo gallery of Chicago Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Otto J Placik.
Comments (1)
Dr. Otto Placik

Plastic Surgeon

This procedure has complications that are unique to the surgery and while not completely preventable, they can be minimized by seeking the services of a board certified plastic surgeon.

Oct 15, 2017 Like it
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