A brief description of yarns and fabrics that are used in the textile industries
In textile industries, the textile fiber is spun into a yarn and then made into a fabric by various methods including weaving, knitting, and braiding, felting, and twisting.
Yarn: - When more than one fiber is interlocked, it is called as yarn. Generally, a long continuous strand of interlocked or twisted fibers is yarn. The yarn is used for knitting, weaving, braiding, and embroidering, crocheting, and stitching textiles. The yarn can be made with natural fibers such as wool from sheep, cotton, and linen from plants or silk from silkworms. It can also be made with synthetic, or man-made, fibers created from a variety of materials like nylon, acrylic, and polyester. The procedure for making yarn is called spinning. Yarn used for weaving tends to have a smooth surface, tight twist, and lots of lengthwise strength. There are many specific production methods result in an endless assortment of yarn. In general, there are three basic classifications of yarn. They are as follows: -
• Staple fiber yarns: - These yarns are made up of many short staple fibers that are wound together to make yarn.
• Ply yarns: - These yarns are made up of one or more strands of staple fiber yarns. A single ply yarn is commonly a single strand of staple fibers held together by twisting. Two- and three-ply yarns are made up of two or three single yarns twisted together. And the multiple-ply yarns are utilized for fabrics that require more strength or fabrics that need a desired surface effect.
• Filament yarn: - These yarns are made up of one or more continuous strands that run the entire length of the yarns. These yarns are much longer than staple fiber yarns. Silk is the only known natural filament yarn. Most of the filament yarns are usually made from synthetic materials or substances fabricated by mechanical or chemical processes.
Fabric: - The yarn is weaved or knitted or felted together to produce the fabric. Generally, the fabric is a flexible material consisting of a network of natural or synthetic fiber. There are two main types of fabrics available, natural and synthetic. Natural fabrics that are commonly available are cotton, wool, silk, and linen. Synthetic fabrics that are utilized in producing many types of apparel are nylon, spandex, rayon, polyester, and acrylic. These fabrics differ in a number of ways like:
• Warmth: - Wool is a fabric that is particularly warm because the fibers have little crimps in them. These crimps create pockets of air in the material that helps to insulate.
• Breathability: - Cotton fabrics used as clothing that allows air to circulate to the skin. Many people prefer 100% cotton to polyester blends due to its breathability factor.
• Strength: - Linen, polyester, and spandex are known for their strength and durability.
• Dying Properties: - Linen is a good fabric to dye because the color sets well on it and will fade less.
• Softness or Scratchiness: - Many types of wool are quite itchy because of the crimps in the fibers while cotton and silk are known for their softness.
• Properties when wet: - the cotton fabric will retain 24-27 times its own weight in water and is stronger when wet than dry.
• Luster: - This property makes silk fabric so desirable. Rayon is a man-made or synthetic substitute that can look similar to silk.
• Elasticity: - A lot of synthetic fabrics have elasticity. This means these fabrics can be stretched and they will bounce back to their original shape. Spandex has been developed with this property in mind and Nylon, which is used in hosiery products, is also very stretchy.
Thus, fiber is the key raw material for yarn - then yarn is the base to produce fabric - and when a fabric is finished for a specific purpose, it is called cloth. There are many yarns, fabrics exporters in India providing a broad range of yarn and fabric in the market to fulfill the requirements of the textile industry. Clients can also rely on yarn, fabric exporters from Surat, Gujarat for an extremely quality range of yarn and fabric that are made available at very nominal prices.
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