Tips For Maintaining Your Instant Hot Water Geyser Long-Lasting Performance

An instant geyser water heater is an essential appliance that provides hot water on demand, making it a necessity for every modern household. Mainly known for its sleek design, an instant water heater is considered the perfect solution to install in compact spaces where you always need hot water in seconds. An instant water geyser is an essential part of your daily comfort, and regular maintenance is the key to ensuring its long-term durability.
Proper care of any appliance extends its lifespan and maintains high performance. Here’s a guide that will explore some of the best practices to maintain the quality and durability of your instant water heater for a longer period of time.
Tips to Maximise the Lifespan of an Instant Water Geyser
Let’s understand some of the best practices that will ensure the longevity of your instant hot water geyser:
Switch Off When Not in Use: Don’t forget to turn off the geyser when you are done using it. This will save you electricity and increase the geyser's performance. A good quality model keeps the water hot for 4-5 hours, even after switching it off.
Proper Installation: Get a professional to install your geyser at the right place with optimal water pressure and electrical connections. A geyser not installed in the right location may lead to safety issues.
Regular Descaling: Hard water is one of the most common enemies of geysers. The minerals in it get deposited over time, affecting the heating element and reducing the product's efficiency. Regular descaling with water softeners, probably once every 6 Tips For Maintaining Your Instant Hot Water Geyser Long-Lasting Performance
months, leads to smooth performance and increases the instant geyser water heater’s lifespan.
Professional Maintenance: Schedule an annual maintenance checkup of the geyser, especially the heating element, to detect any issue on an early basis. A professional technician will thoroughly inspect the product, check the leaks and wear and tear, perform a cleaning process and replace parts, if necessary.
Prioritise Water Quality: Water quality plays an important role in maintaining the quality of the geyser. Users, especially those living in an area with a hard water supply, should invest in water filters to remove impurities and chlorine, which can majorly damage the heating element and use a water softener to minimise scale formation.
Precautionary Measures to Take Care
Here are some of the precautionary measures that can be taken care of to maintain the performance of instant hot water geyser:
Ventilation: Make sure the location of the geyser is well-ventilated to prevent overheating and maintain a safe operating environment.
Protection Against Power Surges: Constant voltage fluctuations can damage the parts of the geyser. Use a power stabilizer to ensure a steady supply of power and switch off the product if any situation arises.
Use Water Softener: As mentioned earlier, water softener and filters are essential to minimise scale formation and purify the water.
Replace Components: Don’t ignore continuous issues. If necessary, get the product's spare parts repaired or replaced. Schedule an annual maintenance checkup with a professional to avoid minor problems and resolve them immediately.
Summing Up
It is concluded that to maximise the life of your instant geyser may require you to take care of the tips mentioned above and actively escalate the issues. More than just an appliance, a geyser is necessary for every household, bringing warmth and comfort.
Apart from consistently caring for the product, it is also essential to purchase a good-quality product from a trusted brand. Sujata is one of the most reliable brands that offers essential home appliances, including instant hot water geysers. The range offered by Sujata is committed to providing durable products and uses advanced security features to prevent dry heating and ensure worry-free operation.
Remember to take care of your geyser consistently to maintain its performance and take advantage of it in the long run.