Different Levels of Prayer

Posted by LOWC Church
Jan 22, 2025

Prayer is a communication with God. If you don't pray, you cannot receive his guidance. A Christian must pray. 

You all are Spirit. God is a Spirit. We possess a soul and live in a body. Body is something that you have worn. You are a spirit. 

You may be fat or black but you may have a great heart for the lord.

The life of this body is so short. The age of the body is decreasing day by day. 

Body has to die ,the body will finish one day and it will go to heaven or hell depending upon our obedience to God. 

Soul is a mind. Soul is a thinker ,the one who decides and the body follows it. Soul is in the blood. The moment you die, the soul dies. 

To maintain your physical body, you eat,drink and exercise regularly. 

To develop the soul,mind is the organ of the soul, you go to school and train yourself. Mind will make him advocate, engineer or doctor.

Soul will die and go either to heaven or hell depending upon your obedience to God. 

Some people never train their Spirit to pray. You must train it. Spirit of man is God's element in man you want. 

All these elements are hungry and thirsty. As our body wants delicious food and drink, your spirit is hungry for the presence of the lord. 

If you don't have Spirit to pray and read the Bible then check your Spirit because your spirit is dying. 

As you eat every day, you must pray and read the Bible. 

3 levels of payer:-

1. Prayer is asking and receiving from the lord:-   God cannot be connected with flesh. As God is spirit,we need to come in Spirit to talk to him. God breathed into the nostrils of Adam. He breathed the Spirit, from that moment,we are spiritual beings.

 Never go in your prayer room with flesh. It's the first level. All religions know this. 

Matthew 7:7 ask and you shall receive. The Bible is a guide for effective prayer. 

Anybody can pray and ask God and he can get. You cannot ask without faith. As prayer without faith is useless,faith without prayer is useless. Say I believe God will do it for me. 

The more faith you have the more prayer you offer. Hannah had faith and she prayed like anything to get a child. Faith filled people are also prayerful people. Don't quit your prayer.

Pray because God will do it for you. 

2. Prayer as fellowship with God:- if you ask according to his will,he will give otherwise not. In the second kind of prayer, you become friends with God. At this level, you call him father Abba. 

 You will always miss his fellowship, you will spend whole night with him. They will pray every day. 

for them, God is their friend. We are children of God, you ask with authority like a child.

Nobody will tell you to pray. They will skip the meal, not pray. If you watch during the prayer then you have not given your heart to God. 

3. Fighting in prayer:- Jacob battled with God face to face. He had a grip on God and did not let him go unless he blessed him. 

 Your prayer can change the plan of God. 

God was ready to kill king Abilmelek but Abraham prayed and God spared his life.

 When you pray, God will extend the life if your partner or child's life is over. 

 You will change the mind and plan of God. 

Pray for every member of family. Pray for money,job and health. 

pray out loudly . Rebuke the demons . God changed his name and called him Israel. 

God bless you abundantly.

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