8 Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea Everyday

Posted by GreenHill Tea
Jun 23, 2016

Tea is one of the great beverages that unites people. Several big or small problems are discussed and solved over a cup of tea. No matter whatever the season may be tea can be a refreshing beverage as it can be served iced or hot according to one’s taste. Since ancient times, tea has been recognized for its beneficial aspects on human health because of the antioxidants it contains. This ultimate beverage can calm you when you want to relax or wake you up when you require an extra push. It provides you with an appetizing way of getting an adequate amount of fluid into your body each day. In addition to that, studies have shown that teas can help in providing protection to your teeth and to your heart, with probably even helping in warding off cancer.

While many continue to go crazy for coffee, it is a perfect time to move over to tea, as it is making a comeback because of its numerous health benefits. Here are the top 9 health benefits of tea:

  1. An incredible drink– hydrates the body and replenishes the fluid intake.

Though coffee is also thought out to be a hydrating fluid but tea has the added benefit of generally being a pure H2O with some amazing tea flavors which means that it is much more beneficial to sit down and sip a cup of tea either hot or cold, as it’ll restore the fluids you’ve lost through sweating. A cup of tea will hydrate your body immediately and is also amazing for your skin.

   2.       Amazingly beneficial– Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants are incredibly beneficial in preventing the body’s form of rust and help to keep you young. It also protects your body from the damage of pollution and makes your body feel fantastic, fresh, and relaxed.

   3.       Keeps you going Longer and Longer

While most of the coffee drinker won’t agree with this statement that tea is healthier than coffee, they actually consider it to be a myth. Many researches have shown that tea in fact has the same amount of caffeine as coffee but has less depressing effect on energy levels. The energy boost given by tea is likely to last for a longer period. This is because the caffeine in tea gets absorbed slowly which will reduce over a longer period of time

   4.       Helps in averting the risk of Cancer

Numerous scientific studies have shown that antioxidants like polyphenols which are found in the green tea might help in reducing the progress of certain types of cancers such as breast, colon, esophagus, stomach, colorectal, small intestine, pancreas ,lung, liver, ovarian, prostate and oral cancers.

   5.       Helps in shedding extra pounds.

Some recent researches have shown that green tea might be a tremendous weight loss aid for all those people who want to lose their extra pounds. It not only helps in boosting your metabolism but also contains virtually no calories which thereby, prove it to be a better substitute as opposed to downing soft drinks to quench your thirst. When compared to any other drink with added sugar like coffee, tea is less likely to have an effect on your waistline.

   6.       Boosts Immune System

Tea flushes the bug out of your system and will improve your immune system so that you won’t get sick in the future. Drinking tea can actually help in setting up and improving your immune system for next time. According to a recent research, tea drinkers are likely to be healthier as one can maintain health, including skin and body composition, with just 2-3 cups per day of this calorie-free, sugar-free drink, so start exploring the novelty of tea from today itself

   7.       Tea relaxes and calms the body.

Tea leaves contain theanine, an amino acid which is known for reducing mental and physical stress and improving cognition. A tea break can turn around your bad day into a good one, improve one’s mood, and put your worries into better point of view. Tea is used for bonding as well as refreshment. It has also been found that green tea work as an anti-depressant and provides relaxation to your mind as well as body.

   8.       Reduces the risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

Various researches have shown that drinking green tea considerably lowers the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. It potentially improves the blood flow in the body by expanding the arteries and lowers the risk of clots. It also contains antioxidants known as ‘flavonoids’, which may slow down the beginning and risk of heart disease. Start your day with a warm cup of tea to garner the heart-healthy benefits of this incredible beverage.

So amigos start brewing your healthy cup of tea today and continue feeling terrific and amazed with this ever refreshing concoction.

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