7 Reasons to Only Shop Cruelty-Free/Vegan Cosmetics and Brushes
It’s 2017, but animal testing is still a problem. Despite the push toward cruelty-free and vegan makeup from consumers and lawmakers, testing on mice, rabbits, dogs, and other animals still takes place every day. The only way to make a real change is to make the switch to cruelty-free for good. Here are seven compelling reasons to switch to cruelty-free and vegan makeup and brushes now.
1. The Reality Is Worse Than You Realize
It’s extremely difficult to look at the reality of animal testing in the face. It’s much easier to only hear about it, or to pretend it isn’t happening at all. Meanwhile, thousands of animals live lives of daily torture, never knowing anything else. The stories you hear are not exaggerations. Researchers blind, maim, poison, and kill animals so that consumers can look pretty. Read about the horrors of animal testing and you might be convinced.
2. Cosmetic Animal Testing is Unnecessary
Makeup manufacturers have several thousand ingredients they can choose from that research has already proven safe. It is completely unnecessary for cosmetic companies to pioneer new ingredients that would potentially require animal tests for safety. The only reason a company would need to test new ingredients on animals is to increase its own profits.
3. The FDA Does Not Require Animal Testing for Cosmetics
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not specifically require cosmetic companies to test on animals to ensure safety. Therefore, cosmetic and makeup companies do not have the excuse of being forced to test on animals to get their products on the shelves. There are plenty of companies that are successful creating and selling 100 percent cruelty-free products.
4. Technology Can Replace Animals in Most Cases
In most cases, there are validated alternatives to animal testing using computer models or cell-based systems. Testing on animals might have been the only way to get things done in the past, but new technologies are making it obsolete. Support companies that go cruelty-free to keep pushing for a future of no more suffering.
5. It’s Healthier for You
Animal rights aside, vegan makeup and brushes are often better for your health and your skin than cosmetics pumped full of synthetic substances and additives. Your skin absorbs the chemicals you put on it. Opt for vegan products to optimize the health of your skin and organs. More natural products without animal derivatives have simpler ingredient lists, and less of a chance to wreak havoc on your system. The only time you should shop for synthetic is in makeup brushes – “natural” typically means animal fur, and is not cruelty-free.
6. Most Regular Makeup Is Not Cruelty Free
You might think that if you purchase makeup from a well-known brand, or if the brush claims to have not been tested on animals, you’re in the clear. In reality, almost all cosmetics that do not have the “Leaping Bunny”, or another seal of official approval, were tested on animals, or at least contain ingredients that were. Purchasing only verified cruelty free and vegan makeup brushes and other products is the only way not to support animal testing.
7. What You Buy Makes a Difference
As a consumer, your buying habits speak volumes. As long as people purchase non-cruelty free cosmetics, companies will continue to take the easy way out and test on animals. If everyone stopped supporting these companies, they would have no choice but to switch to cruelty-free practices, and animal testing would come to an end. Opt for only cruelty-free and vegan makeup and brushes and, as Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”