7 Common Misconceptions about Employee Background Verification

Posted by Lourdes Fernandes
Sep 27, 2017

Employee background verification is a global phenomenon that is fast catching up in India as well. For many companies, especially which hire candidates in hundreds and thousands, background verification is as important a part of selection process as interviews. But there are many misconceptions still prevalent amongst job seekers due to either lack of information or preconceived biases.

In this article we have listed down some of these common misconceptions and the truth behind them.

Myth 1: Background verifications are aimed at tracking criminal history.

If you think that you are safe from the results of background verification because you don’t have any criminal records, you are mistaken. These verifications aren’t only about criminal records. Rather it is just one of the aspects that’s under scrutiny. There’s a long list of verifications including your driving records, credit history, qualifications, etc. which your employer might want to know about, according to their requirements.

Myth 2. The employer can reject you without providing a reason.

The verification doesn’t aim at taking away any rights from you. If your prospective employer rejects you by claiming that they found faults during your background check, you are entitled to know on which grounds they found you to be faulty. So, you are empowered to save yourself from false culpability.

Myth 3. My social media profiles are safe from the scrutiny.

Though your company most probably would be least interested in knowing about your relationship status or your super cool display pictures, partying with friends, your social media isn’t entirely safe from inspection. A quick check might be conducted to unearth any inappropriate pictures, comments, or anything else that proves you to be a mismatch for the organization.

Myth 4. All background checks will provide similar results.

You get rejected by a company and now know the fault they found during your background verification and quite justifiably make sure it can’t be detected again. But wait, that’s not going to help entirely! Different background verification companies have different sources using which which they do their search and therefore the results may vary. So the only way you are completely safe is by not lying in your resume.

Myth 5. Background check is not that common.

Being casual about the veracity of facts in your resume is a big mistake. If you think background check is not done by all companies you are wrong. It is more common than you can imagine. All good companies nowadays go through background verification process.

Myth 6. Great references is all I need.

Great references mattered a lot till a time and still do but with limited capability. No matter how strong recommendation letters you are able to show along with your resume, an unfavorable finding during the background check can ruin it all.

Myth 7.  It is fine to brag a little about my previous job titles, salaries, and work experience.

No, it is not as far as your employers are concerned.  In all probability, your prospective employer can cross check with your previous employers about your position there along with other things. And once they find out you had been showing up a false face, you will certainly lose the job! A company prefers a less qualified employee (but truthful) over someone who is dishonest.

It’s important to understand how background checks work so that you can put up a strong front and escape missing out on great opportunities. Moreover, going for self background verification is a great way to ensure that you know the outcome already and can work towards nullifying it.

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