6 Things You Should Avoid While Travelling in India

Posted by Rajasthan Leaf
Mar 30, 2018
India is a country that will accept you with open arms, regardless of who you are. There is so much opportunity to explore that it does not come off as a surprise that lakhs of people end up travelling to the country. However, there are some things that you should stay away from when you are travelling to India. Even if you are on a golden triangle tour India 2 nights 3 days, a lot can happen even on a short trip like that.

Here are some things that you should avoid doing if you want a pleasant visit in India:

  • There will be many times that you will be asked incredibly intrusive questions. It is not the most comfortable situation when someone pops up a question about your marriage, or your job, or income, etc. However, in India, it is considered to be a way of bonding with a person. You may choose to be discreet about your personal matters but there is no meaning of being offended because this may be a common occurrence if you are here to stay for a while.

  • Indians are incredibly welcoming and warm hearted. However, there is one thing that they are conservative in- clothing. Here, customs are given priority over comfort. That is why, even though it is sweltering hot outside, men and women cover up pretty much most of their bodies. Even though, now there are young one who dare to wear skimpy clothing, it is suggested that you keep yourself covered because you might get stared at anyway, so why get more attention.

  • There are many things that Indians stand united in, but religious and political conversations are not one them. It will be better for you to stay away from conversation about sensitive topics like religion and politics because of how strongly many Indians feel about the topic. Same stands for sensitive topics like cricket which people feel very strongly about. If you do not know much about the same, you should stay away from a topic that would aggravate a person.

  • Although many times you would be dismissed as a foreigner and no one would take offense to you using names of the elders, but it is advisable to add a “ji” after the name of a person who is older than you.

  • Even though India is slowly opening up to it, it is better for you to avoid PDA or public display of affection because it is not exactly a part of the culture and upbringing of most Indians. That is why, you might end up making people feel uncomfortable as well as feeling uncomfortable as you get stared at harder.

  • It is strongly advisable to use your feet sparingly. This means that feet have traditionally been considered as an inferior part of the body. This is why it is advised that you do not push things with your feet, or point at someone, or put them on top of a table- all that is considered incredibly rude. This is also why you should take off your shoes before you enter holy places like temples. If you are on a routine Rajasthan tour package, you might have to go to a ton of temples. There, it is advisable that you remove your shoes accordingly.

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