5 Ways to Use TrackMyHashtag’s Historical Twitter Data Analytics

Posted by Kate Finch
May 29, 2020

Analyzing historical Twitter data is now a key aspect of Twitter marketing. Brands and marketers analyze historical data to perform thorough research and to gain valuable audience insights.


Historical Twitter data analytics can provide you vital insights to boost the effectiveness of your targeted marketing efforts. You can leverage the insights to develop effective strategies to increase engagement and conversion rates.



TrackMyHashtag is a paid Twitter analytics tool that can help you track any hashtag, keyword, or @mention and provide comprehensive analytics with valuable insights. It can also help you gain access to the historical Twitter data of any public Twitter account. You can track and analyze the social media moves of your competitors.


Now that you know what TrackMyHashtag is, let’s dive into some key features that can help you elevate your brand’s social media presence.


1.Conduct Market Research

The first and foremost thing to do before developing a social media strategy is market research. You need to analyze the trends and market situations along with other players that can compete with your brand.


TrackMyHashtag can help you gain access to historical Twitter data related to a hashtag or keyword specific to your domain. It can help you assess market conditions and analyze the demand for your products.


2.Plan an effective content marketing plan

Analyzing your historical Twitter data can help you identify resonating and topical content topics that the users like to engage with. You can also create a list of popular content topics for your content strategy.


Apart from topical content, you can also identify popular conversations and hashtags that users often use. It helps you increase the reach and visibility of your content. TrackMyHashtag can not only help you download historical Twitter data, but also provide comprehensive analytical insights in real-time. Leveraging the insights can help you increase your social media exposure.


3.Analyze consumer sentiments

Analyzing historical Twitter data for a specific hashtag, keyword, or @mention can help you identify and dissect social media conversations related to your brand. You can identify and analyze such conversations to understand the opinions of users.


It can help you assess your brand’s image in the eyes of the consumers and your reputation on social media. It can help you focus your strategies in areas like customer support, engaging, and retaining customers.


4.Analyze your competitors

Choosing a successful competitor to imitate can help you implement successful strategies. Analyzing your competitors’ historical Twitter data can help you dissect the social media moves of your competitors. You can identify and implement the strategies that are effective. You can also avoid making the same mistakes as your competitors.


TrackMyHashtag can help you access the historical Twitter data for any public Twitter account. It can also help you analyze the historical data and provide comprehensive analytical insights along with in-depth analytical reports.


5.Identify influencers

Influencers are individuals that can help you sway user decisions in your favor. TrackMyHashtag can analyze historical Twitter data and identify influential figures that engage with your account.


You can further access and analyze the historical Twitter data of such Twitter profiles to help identify and collaborate with the right influencer.


Closing Thoughts

Analyzing historical Twitter data plays a major role in shaping your social media strategies. The insights can help you enhance the effectiveness of your targeted marketing efforts.


TrackMyHashtag is an amazing Twitter analytics tool that can help analyze historical Twitter data and provide valuable audience insights to increase exposure. 

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