5 Things You Can Gift To A Newlywed Couple

Posted by MayaDahila Cakes
Apr 19, 2017

According to the list of wedding etiquettes, a wedding gift is the foremost thing for the guests to bring for the newlywed couple. The wedding gift should be given a careful consideration and it should be something that has some emotions attached to it so that the newlywed couple values it. It doesn’t mean that the gift should have a monetary value. The value of the gift is judged on the emotions and feelings behind it. Being a close friend or a relative, here are the things you can choose from to gift the couple on the auspicious occasion of your wedding.

  • Cash: Think practically. Cash is always a great requirement of the couple. They can use the cash to fulfil their desires after the wedding. Though people think that it is an outdated trend, but still there are many people who love taking cash as a wedding gift in spite of useless gifts. They can use cash to buy a memorable thing for themselves or enjoy a honeymoon from the extra money they got as a wedding gift. Thus, cash is always loved by the newlywed couple and they accept the gift with full joy and excitement. Whenever you are in a doubt what to gift to the couple, opt for cash. It is the best option to present a gift to someone.

  • Handmade gift: If you opt for gifting a handmade gift to your beloved friend, then you are a thoughtful personality. Such a gift represents your generosity. Handmade gifts are always accepted by the couple with an open heart because such gifts are so valuable as they involve the precious time and talent of the person presenting the gift. The handmade gifts involve a light lamp, homemade Asian wedding cakes, family tree using photographs etc.

  • Personalised gift or a special gift: Such gifts should be given to the couple you know very well because personalised gifts cannot be either changed or exchanged. These gifts are created or designed on special order. Many times people opt for such gifts just to gain the attention of the couple, but sometimes they forget that it is not necessary that the couple like the gift, therefore, be careful while selecting a special gift for the couple. Know their choices and requirements before finalising anything to ensure that your efforts do not go in vain.

  • Just a card: It may be possible that you afford to attend a destination wedding but you are not left with much amount to spend in buying a gift for the newlywed couple. Don’t worry, you can put before your heartfelt wishes in front of the couple by gifting them just a card. Select a card that can make bride and groom feel special. Also, make it more special by writing your own words into it for the newlywed couple.

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