5 Things to Look For When Hiring an Interior Designer

Posted by Premium Kitchens
Nov 12, 2018
Whether this is your first home project or not, one major question to consider is this: Should you hire an interior designer? It’s a pretty big question and skipping over this question can be fatal. At the same time, you don’t want to be walking needlessly into a trap with an interior designer either.
Don’t sweat it actually, as we’ve put together 5 simple things that you need to be looking for when you are hiring an interior designer.
Are They Considerate Of Your Budget?
You want your interior designer to be considerate of your budget. What this can look like is they may upsell your items or a look that they think might be better for you but may be higher than you expected. At the same time, they’re not going to be forcing themselves on you to buy the higher priced items constantly.
On that note, you also want to make sure that their fees are reasonable as well. Some designers hourly fees range from $90 to 200 an hour while one-time consultations can be $300 to 600.
Where Do They Shop?
One great way finding a designer is going to your favourite furniture store. If there are particular designs that you like you can always ask the store which designers shop here. At the same time, you can also ask the designer themselves where they go to select their items most of the time.
The reason for this is big as each store has their own types of designs and quality. You want to make sure that the designer you are going to is someone that shops where you shop or want to shop when selecting items.
What Do Others Say About Them?
Of course, past clients and experiences can also be beneficial for you too. Check online to see if there are any reviews of the person. Or if you know someone who has recently had some interior design work, ask them about their experiences.
Someone who gets a lot of work around the neighbourhood is a good sign of a quality interior design.
What Items They Pick
This is your house and you want to make sure that the design is something that you can live with. One thing to pay attention to is to ensure the designer pays attention to your desires and proposes something that is to your liking.
Keep in mind that designers won’t copy designs exactly. However, if you come in with designs in mind, a quality interior designer would be someone that can pull ideas from those designs and creates a design suitable for you.
They Don’t Cut Corners
An obvious one, but still one worth mentioning is they don’t cut corners or make quick decisions. Due to our exposure to TV makeover shows, some people think that new homes can take little time and are cheap to do. The thing is though is the interior designers working on those designs are proposing furniture and fabrics that are higher in price than the usual items average people purchase.
For the average person, if you see a designer actually cutting corners it’s going to lead to a sloppy job and isn’t worth hiring again. You want to make sure that the designer maps everything correctly and puts together a design that suitable for you. On average for new homes, it can take between four and six months to both designs and implement a design plan.
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