As the
weather kicks it up a notch, everyone gets the natural tendency to go outside,
even the pets. Spending time out of your house can be great for all the fun,
but you have to be wary of the heat exhaustion in your pets, especially dogs.
Dogs are
sensitive animals and there are some serious issues that may arise from
overheating in summer, which you need to avoid by taking the precautionary
measures. These issues are:
When the skin of your dog becomes slow to return to its original position
after being pulled up or the mouth gums are feeling tacky to touch, realize
that the dog is dehydrated, which lead to lethargy and the eyes of your pet may
appear to be sunken.
Heart stroke is a
really serious problem as when it becomes fatal, the dog becomes comatose and
its temperature rises to 104°F – 110°F. The symptoms may include salivating,
vomiting, extreme panting and staggering. In this case, you must call your
veterinarian immediately.
Sunburn normally
occurs in the non pigmented areas, like often the ears or nose and it looks
similar on a dog as it does at you. Due to the reason that dogs lick off their
sunblock, you have to keep them out of the sun from 10A.M. to 4P.M.
Here are FIVE
most important measures that you should consider for your dogs when the temperature
- 1.
Do not leave your dog in a parked car:
On a sunny day, the
temperature of a car can rise dangerously high for your dog to suffer the
irreversible organ damage or even death. So just don’t leave your pet in your
parked vehicle, not for a minute with the car running or even an air
conditioner on.
- 2.
Watch out for the humidity:
Not only temperature,
but also the humidity can also badly affect your dog. Actually animals
evaporate the moisture from their lungs that takes the heat away from them, but
when the humidity level increases, they can’t cool themselves and their
temperature instantly rises to the dangerous levels, so you should not allow
your dog’s temperature to be over 104 degrees.
- 3.
Limit exercise on sunny days:
Carefully adjust the
intensity and duration of your pet’s exercise with respect to the temperature
and always carry water with you to prevent it from dehydration. You have to be
especially careful with the dogs of white-colored ears as they are more prone
to cancer and short nose dogs, who suffer difficulty breathing. Walk your dog
on grass to keep its’ paws from burning.
- 4.
Provide shade and water:
Whenever your dog is
out of the house, make sure that it is getting satisfactory protection from the
heat and plenty of cold water. You can add ice in water during heat waves and
provide tree shade and tarps as they do not obstruct the air flow.
- 5. Cool
your pet inside and out:
Now Provide your dog enough water, wheter you are indoors or outside of your home. You can also whip up notch of peanut butter with it. While indoors, you can keep your dog from overheating by giving it a cooling body wrap or a mat, first soak them in cool water and wrap it around your dog and they will stay cool for like 3 days.
Now, you and your pet are ready for this summer!! We want to hear from you, please tell us how was the experience at Atlanta Dog Trainer.