5 Priorities to focus on when publishing your new book

Posted by Jemma Barsby
Sep 27, 2021

When your impregnated ideas and thoughts get a chance to be penned; publishing that manuscript in the form of a book is an event of great satisfaction and pride. After authoring the book, the list of your prerogatives should be dominated by the decision of self-publishing, finding a studio having the best book cover designers uk, an illustrator, and followed by an excellent PR or a book marketing agency and few more things.

With a finished manuscript, you can now put your priority on five important things about which we are about to discuss in the following pointers-

Traditional Publishing vs. Self Publishing UK

Unless you are a celebrity author, the traditional publishers that you will visit, may not offer you the ultimate independence of publishing the book. Besides, they play an authority of the book starting from the beginning till the end and you will only get the royalty annually along with the preliminary advance amount.

A new group of writers is now taking a stand against this practice and showing their willingness to self-publishing from a renowned company with the expertise and experience to publish books in a similar genre.

By choosing to opt for self-publishing, you will be surprised to receive uncountable feasibilities and you are the boss of the whole publishing endeavour. As a self-publishing author, you can decide the final editing and decide which book layout cover designer to hire or which book illustration will be perfect for drawing the sketches for your new children's book.

Promotional Activities & Planning

Chalk out detailed planning for the successful promotion and make sure you involve your targeted readers throughout the process to instigate layers of interest about the book in them. Particularly, if you are a noted thriller writer, the mercury rises faster among readers. Creating the same hype with other genres such as romance, non-fiction, etc. is possible with strategic planning.

  • Start with establishing a fresh website where you can share everything about the new book. Despite having your website, launch a new one specifically to promote the new book. Share the fresh book trailer there to grab the attention of the potential buyers.
  • Use the platforms like Amazon and Goodreads to connect with more potential readers who might be interested in buying your book from the ecommerce stores.
  • For promotional activities, fix a launch date and spread the data across the different social media platforms besides putting the news on your website.
  • Arrange a few books signing programs where you can organize a small book reading session followed by a quick Q & A with your guests.
  • Often children's book writers offer free readings at schools and children's hospitals for promoting their new books.

PPC Campaign your eBook in UK

If you are eager to become a bestselling author within a short while, showcase eBooks. While scrolling the search result list Book shoppers at Amazon or similar platforms come across new books from different authors. Maybe, it's the Amazon promotional PPC campaigning that will help you to get hold of more people interested in buying your book. With an eBook version, reaching out to more readers in the shortest time is possible as most readers use digital devices to read books these days.

Marketing Agency

A renowned marketing agency can offer you a professional range of services based on your criteria. Select them after an in-depth study of their previous success stories. Make sure they have successfully launched and promoted several books from the same genre.

You can stay stress-free by allowing the marketing professionals to do the job by utilizing their best efforts. From email marketing to social media promotions, the marketing ninjas don't leave any stone unturned while performing highly strategic omnichannel digital marketing services.

Check on reviews and acknowledge

Connect with readers who have already purchased and read your book and shared their opinion about the writings, prints and their overall experience. Any promising enterprise values the reviews and acknowledges the prudently written reviews as the critical analysis and opinion of the readers.

As an author, these are a few significant things that you have to focus on and work systematically on a priority basis. Make sure you don't regret your choices in the future, instead take pride in choosing the best book designing and self-publishing studio for the outstanding outcome.

Samuel Smith owns a self-publishing company in the United Kingdom for over a decade. His articles enrich the readers with the latest updates in the book business particularly, what trends are being set by the renowned book cover designers uk , or what freshness is noticed in the latest book illustration spectrum.

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