5 Interesting Ways to Decorate Your Classroom

a teacher, you would always want to
ensure your students are always attentive in the class. A lot depends on how
you interact with your students and how they respond to your actions and
demeanour. To maintain a healthy environment in
the class, it is imperative that you engage the students more into
interaction beyond the boring lectures. Apart from making the lessons enjoyable, where you can actually ensure your students’ attention, there
are other ways of making them involved in the class activities?
One easiest and effective way is to do more of craft projects using cheap materials like tissue wrapping papers that will let your students be imaginative as well as increase their involvement and participation. You can team up with your students and give an entirely new makeover to your classroom with these 5 easy steps.
Colourful Sit-Upon
To make the classroom an interesting place for your little students you can use colourful sit-upon for reading circles. If making sit-upon seems way too time-consuming, you can easily use colour placemats or bath rugs.
Wrap Up your Filing Cabinets
You can ask your students to get tissue wrapping paper on the day you decide to do the decoration. You can also buy the same by searching cheap wrapping paper UK in the search portal. Use bright colours and cover up your filing cabinet giving them an entirely new look. You can also use a washi tape to make the edges smooth.
Set a Theme
Remember the more innovative you are, the more interesting it gets for your students. Aim at developing their imagination. You can use motifs themed as Hollywood, Superhero or some Disney movie like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King etc. For Hollywood themed motifs, you can use boards where under each month you can write ‘A star is born’ and accordingly fill them up with the name of your student along with their birthdays. You can also create a board and label it as ‘Now Showing’ to put a record of the week’s lessons and class activities. You can easily ask your students to make creative cards and put them on the wall. Try and get your students involved more in doing these craft activities.
Fun Board
You can actually
create a fun board with your students where you can use a variety of colours. You can also make a rainbow
with coloured tissue papers. In case you do not have the colour indigo, you can
conveniently use blue tissue papers
as its replacement. You can teach your students to make colourful flowers out
of tissue papers and paste them on the wall.
Decorated Buckets and Pompoms
can use small buckets and decorate them with craft paper. You can make three
buckets and use them to keep sharp and blunt pencils and eraser and sharpeners
separately. Make sure you label them nicely. You can name it as the ‘pencil system’.
Also, you can use some easy to
make Truffle Pompom for ceiling decorations and giving the classroom a
colourful look.