4History of the Screwdriver

Posted by Shauna Allen
Aug 29, 2017

Screwdrivers are very useful tools. We use them every day for several jobs. They are used to dismantle electronic devices, instruments, toys, appliances and almost anything else imaginable.


So where do these useful tools come from? Believe it or not this handy little tool has a bit of a story.


We don't usually put a lot of thought into where useful things like screwdrivers come in. We just know it's useful and that's all we know. I would say many of us take these simple but useful tools for granted. Without them, however, life would be simply more difficult.


So let's take a look at how the screwdriver came up.


It all started somewhere in Germany or France. We do not know exactly where it was invented or by whom it was invented, but we know that the first screwdrivers were found in this region.


There is a lot of evidence that the screwdrivers came into play in the 15th century. The reason we believe that this is the moment they began to appear is due to the screws that have been discovered from that period of time.


Some of the things that used screws for at the moment were weapons and door hinges. However, the type of door hinge that used screws was considered a luxury.


The screws were very hard to make before the industrial revolution. This is why the door hinges something of a luxury.


Two men discovered a way to fabricate screws in a mounting chain. Their business failed but paved the way for the production of screw we have today and ultimately are the reason screws became popular.


With the increasing popularity of the screws there was also a growing demand for screwdrivers.


P.L. Robertson was the first person to successfully produce and market his version of a screwdriver. This is the type of screwdriver used for square-socket screws. Robertson screwdriver is still around today but since Robertson was reluctant to associate with the automobile industry is not very popular.


The second person who succeeded in creating a screwdriver was Henry F. Phillips. This is the screwdriver from Punta Cruz which is so popular these days. Henry F. Phillips offered his screws and screwdriver to the automotive industry after he created it. After a successful test it became very popular with all the car companies.

 Read More: http://thereviewsearch.com

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