4 Tips To Keep In Mind When Buying Wedding Gifts
If you are planning to attend a wedding, then you will be looking forward to buying a perfect gift for the couple. However, this may not be too easy. You will have to ensure that the gift you buy not only elicits a formal smile, but will also be useful for them in their married life and that they appreciate the gift you have given. This can make the decision process difficult, and you may have a hard time picking a gift. To help you buy the right gift for the couple, try out the following tips.
Personalize It
An easy way to ensure that you only give a unique gift to the couple, which they won’t receive from anyone, is to ensure that it is personalized with their identities. For example, you can get the photos of the groom and the bride, and have it engraved in a couple of phone cases and gift it to them. Such engraved gifts not only ensure that you are the only one giving it, but will also be remembered by the couple for a very long time since you might be the only person who gave them a personalized fit during their wedding.
Use The Registry
This is a very straightforward tip. As far as possible, stick to the gift registry set up by the couple. The registry will contain the list of all the items the couple is looking for. And since these are things which they really want, gifting them one of the items is the easiest way to ensure that they are not disappointed by your gift. But be sure to claim the top items on the registry as soon as possible so that you are the one who will gift it to the couple. If you wait for too long, other people might give bigger gifts, and you may be stuck with only giving the little gifts.
Guest Pooling
Want to buy a bigger, better gift for the couple? Then consider pooling your resources with other guests. Alone, you may only be able to spend $300 on buying a gift. Instead, if you get 10 guests to chip in with $300, you can essentially raise $3000 and give the newly married couple a much bigger gift. A good way to start pooling is to invite the people you know on the guest list to join the pool. They can then contact and make the other guests join, ensuring that you have a large number of guests ready to contribute to the gifting pool.
Stay Away From Home Decor
As far as possible, never buy home decor or other similar items for the couple, This is because the couple might redecorate their home or might decide to move into a new home, and this can make your gift unsuitable to the style of the new or renewed home.
So, consider the above tips when you are planning to buy a gift for an upcoming wedding, and you will definitely have an easier time in giving them the perfect engraved gifts.