4 Most Common Error of WordPress and their Possible Solutions

Posted by Erica Terner
Feb 28, 2020

While managing and browsing the WordPress website, you might have faced many errors. Well, we are giving some valuable information on these common errors and their solutions.


1) Internal Server Error


This WordPress Internal Server Error hits the website when there is a problem. Still, the server is unable to detect what went wrong. That is the reason the error message doesn't have any information about any particular issue


Possible Solutions:


  • Inspect the .htaccess file, as it is likely the reason for this error. Access file through FTP and for the time being delete it (before that kindly backup the site)
  • Visit Settings → Permalinks will generate a new .htaccess file.
  • Disable all themes and plugins one by one, to detect if there is anyone of them causing the problem
  • Check WP-admin and WP-includes folder and reinstall them, if they are creating an issue
  • Increase PHP Memory limit if it exceeds. ( for advanced users)


2) 404 Not Found Error


The most general error that comes in WordPress website is WordPress 404 Error, and this is always an obstruction for the website functioning.


It generally disturbs Front end of the website's pages, - which means that the content is available in the server, but it is doesn't reach the server.


Potential causes are the improper setting of permalinks, using the wrong URL, the page has been removed from the website, etc


 Possible Solutions:

  • Modify and re-update the page
  • Edit the permalink and ensure the update
  • You can also Fix WordPress' rules through installing the free Rewrite Rules Inspector plugin and conduct the Flush rules" activity


3) Error Establishing Database Connection


The message" Error Establishing Database Connection" clearly indicates that, for some unknown reason. The server is unable to connect the Database

The possible reasons of this error could be

User might have change the database credentials

User might enter wrong database credentials


Possible Solutions:

  • Inspect wp-config.php through FTP client login or CPanel login. Ensure the correct information of: Database host, Database username and Database name, and Database password
  • If these details are accurate, then you reset manually your MySQL password
  • If this step still doesn't fix the error, it is good to communicate with your Host provider, because sever maybe running down.


4) WordPress White Screen of Death


The "White Screen of Death" The name "WordPress White Screen of Death" indicates the white blank screen with no error message reflecting on the page.

It can affect both the admin panel and Front end of WordPress website, or any particular part of the installation.

This error might be the reason for database error or a PHP error. This type of error might need different steps because it is difficult to trace what is the problem behind it.


Possible Actions:


  • First, notice that, if it is occurring because you have installed a plugin or change a theme
  • Check if this error is displaying the White Screen of Death on a particular page, or it has affected your whole site. If it is hitting your entire website, the issue could be on hosting server
  • Turn off all plugins and turn on them one by one, so that you can identify the particular one that is behind the WSOD error.
  • Also, disable themes and install default WordPress theme
  • Try to increase PHP memory of your website




These are some common WordPress errors and their solutions. We assume that this information will definitely help users to rectify errors easily. But in case if you still feel clueless, the communicating to the WordPress Support people is the best option




There are many WordPress errors that user usually while browsing their WordPress Website. Today we have emphasized different WordPress errors such as WordPress Internal Server Error, WordPress 404 ErrorError Establishing Database Connection, and White Screen of Death. You can find the cause of errors and their possible solutions in this piece of information.
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