4 Facts about Manual Handling Training which are Necessary for Your Health & Safety Work

Posted by Jenny Holmes
Jun 26, 2019

Summary:Manual handling training in Sydney remains concerned with lifting and shifting of heavyweight objects. Assess the task, load, employees, and environment for the health and safety of workers before carrying out the job.


Manual handling training in Sydney involves the process of dealing with heavyweight objects. It includes lifting, pulling, and pushing objects by hand or by applying bodily force. Though these activities seem straightforward on paper, in practical situations, they can be extremely dangerous. Ergonomic consultants in Sydney recommend warehouse staff, construction workers, unloading and loading staff, and delivery drivers to undergo manual handling training before enrolling for jobs to prevent all job-associated hazards.


Risk Associated with Manual Handling

Here is a brief account of the risk associated with manual handling, which you should know before carrying out such activities. It is a strenuous and hazardous task and can lead to low back pain, spinal cord injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders. According to reports, one out of every three worksite accidents results from incorrect manual handling. Approximately 12.3 million working days are lost every year all across the globe due to musculoskeletal disorders of workers. It is the reason all major corporate offices have made manual handling training in Sydney compulsory for their workers.


Facts Associated with Manual Handling Training

Here are four crucial facts associated with manual handling activities which are worth remembering.


1.  Assessing the Task 

Ergonomic consultants in Sydney advocate that the first job of employees associated with manual handling is a detailed assessment of the task. It involves taking note of the positioning of the load, the distance they would cover, and the number of workers required to accomplish the job safely. The team leader must also find out the best way of shifting the load; whether it would be beneficial to stoop down to handle it or twist the body to make the job convenient. There should be adequate opportunities for resting workers after accomplishing the task.


2. Assessing the Individual

Team leaders should inquire about the physical characteristics of workers, including their age, health conditions, and their knowledge of handling equipment and safety devices. If some manual handling requires specialised training, the management should ensure all team members have attained it. After assessing all these criteria in detail, the company should go ahead with the manual handling job.

3. Assessing the Load

In addition to evaluating the workers, the management should also assess the load. Shifting some consignment can be a challenging task as they are unwieldy shape, difficult to grasp, and their centre of gravity may change due to the movement of inner components during transit. The team leader should chalk out an effective plan before carrying out such tasks.

4.  Assessing the Environment

The environment of the manual handling job also plays a crucial role in its success. The workers should take into consideration whether the ground is uneven or slippery, and ambient ventilation and lighting is present at the worksite.


These were four crucial facts associated with manual handling activities which play a pivotal role in the health and safety of workers.


Resource Box:

Ergoworks Consulting is the best place in Sydney to train the workers about their health and wellbeing and minimise the risk of injuries.

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