4 Applications Of Art Courses You Did Not Know About

Posted by Deborah Belford
Oct 29, 2018

Art, as we all know, deals with the creative part of life. Painting, drawing, writing, singing and the likes all go under art because they all have to do with creativity. Art is undermined, however, especially in the United States of America where more focus is placed on science-related courses tagged STEM; an acronym which means Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths.

Even with the increased focus and attention being paid to science and technology related courses, the United States still ranks fairly lower than other countries based on standardized tests.

For instance, out of 71 countries, United States of America ranks 38th in Mathematics and 24th in Science. This shows that excluding art does not necessarily mean that students will do better in S. T. E. M courses. The opposite is the case, in fact as studies show that students who study art courses along with S. T. E. M. courses score higher than their contemporaries who focused on just S. T. E. M. courses. This is like the fundamental basics while discussing STEM vs STEAM Education.

Besides, one of such example is music education which usually translates to higher, and better scores on SAT. In fact, music appreciation courses have been shown to lead to an additional 44-points being scored in Mathematics alone. Studies also highlight that students who incorporate arts into their study excel over their peers and contemporaries which puts them in line for recognition in academic fields four times more than those without any form of art education.

This evidence makes it necessary that art is incorporated into the S. T. E. M. system of education. This postulation is referred to as S. T. E. A. M., an acronym which stands for Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics. This will result in better students that are even better equipped to handle certain jobs. Giving students art education enable them to be more balanced, focused and creative. It equips them with the tools necessary to handle and tackle any challenge.

Students that undergo S. T. E. A. M. education are uniquely equipped to occupy certain occupations that ordinary S. T. E. M. education does not afford them. The following are four applications of art courses that are not widely known. These are jobs that receiving an art education (along with S. T. E. M.) allows a student to handle.

1. Video game designer:

Designing anything requires a measure of creativity, video games more so. Seeing as it is digital, however, beside other things, it also requires knowledge of S. T. E. M. courses. Being a video game designer cannot, however, be accomplished without receiving art education.

2. Sound engineer:

Working as a sound engineer is yet another application of art courses that is not widely known. While technical knowledge and know-how are very important requirements for this job, a creative and ingenious mind is very vital. A mind that not only knows but also understands music. This can only be done through music education which falls under art education.

3. Fashion designer:

Being a fashion designer is yet another career option that requires a knowledge of art along with that of S. T. E. M. courses. It is just not possible to foray into this without having received art education.

4. Medical illustrator:

When medical appears as a tag to describe someone's job, it might be a little hard to conceive what use are will be to that person in that career. But then, a medical illustrator does need art education to be able to illustrate for what type of illustrator does not know how to draw? Drawing is an education that can only be provided under the S. T. E. A. M. kind of education.

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