3 Unique Gift Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Posted by Rayanne M.
Nov 30, 2020

Image Source: Envato

With the Holiday’s quickly approaching, you are probably beginning to do a little bit of shopping, especially if you have kids at home. Shopping for kids can often be a little bit tricky, especially if you are looking for something that is especially unique. This article will walk you through a few unique gift ideas to make sure your kids have something that no other kid on the block already has.

Vintage Action Figures or Dolls

Vintage toys are a great gift, especially if you are looking for something unique for your child. You may be able to find toys from a classic movie or television show, such as transformers g1 toys, Star Wars action figures, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys, Americal Girl dolls, or Nancy Drew toys. Perhaps these are shows that you yourself enjoyed as you were growing up, which offers you an opportunity to bond with your children over these same programs. In addition, many of these toys are made at a much higher quality compared to many of the toys being produced today, which means the toys will last a little bit longer.

There are plenty of places to look for vintage toys. You can start online at places such as eBay, look for specialty shops in your local area, or if you want to save a little money, you may be able to find toys at local second hand or consignment shops.

Handmade Gifts

Another method for gifting your child something that will be truly memorable is to make them something by hand. You can make a quilt or blanket, a rag doll, a table, chair, or another piece of furniture, or even get a little bit creative by writing them a book or story, or painting a picture for them. Perhaps this method requires a little bit of skill on your part, but if there is something that you are particularly skilled at, making a gift yourself will be something that will only increase in sentimental value the older your children get. Not only is this a gift unique, and something that will be cherished for years to come, it may also be a great way for you to save a little money, especially if you can produce something that requires little or cheaper materials, or even materials that you already have readily available. 

Gift an Experience

Another great gift is the gift of a special experience. Physical things will not last forever, but if you can create especially memories with your children, chances are that they will remember those moments for the rest of their lives. An experience does not have to be an elaborate vacation to a five-star resort in an exotic location, in fact, you probably do not even need to leave your home. The important thing is to spend a little bit of high-quality time, doing something that your family will enjoy together. Go skiing or sledding, go for a hike, spend time playing or making crafts, volunteer to help a family less fortunate than you. There are plenty of things that you can do to create memories with your children during this special time of year!

Keep these simple tips in mind before you go and buy the latest hot new toy that just hit the shelves. The gifts that your children will remember the most, will be the ones that you put a little bit of extra thought and effort into. 

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