3 Signs You Need More Space in Your Home by Your Style

Posted by Yours Tyleau
Dec 19, 2022

It's pretty common for homeowners to wish they had more space in their home. About one-sixth of those buying a house reported that their home felt too small even when they first moved in. Then, as we accumulate more things and grow our family, those once spacious walls suddenly start feeling far too tight.

Pandemic era living put even more stress on the use of space in the average home. Suddenly, home was not only the sanctuary we returned to at the end of a work day but also the place where kids went to school and our new corporate office too. Rooms that were intended to be bedrooms became classrooms, and dining room tables designed for enjoyable family dinners became locations for Zoom-enabled remote work connections.

Your Work Desk Is Right Next to Your Bed

A sure sign that you need more space is when you wake up in the morning and stub your toe or bump your shin on the office desk next to your bed. Instead of that nice end table with a lamp for reading, you've got a monstrous desk and office chair crowding the bedroom.

Feng shui experts who help you seek balance in your living spaces strongly advise against bringing work into the bedroom. If you find that a bedside location is simply the only place your desk can go, it's probably time to find out how builders Northern Beaches can help add space to your Sydney area home.

Your Kid Spends 16 Hours a Day in Their Tiny Bedroom

So many of us remember carefree summer days when kids could enjoy celebrating freedom and playing all day long. Who would have thought that we'd be in a pandemic-shaped world where kids were not free to roam because they were spending 16 plus hours a day in their tiny bedroom.

If you would like to create some much needed multi-purpose space that bring variety back into life, contact builders Northern Beaches and set up an appointment to discuss your home addition needs.

You Have No Idea Where Anything Is

It's a safe bet that you need more space if you come home and you instantly get a stress headache because everything is so cramped. That sense of being impossibly closed in will be followed by the feeling that you have no idea where anything is, because layers of work stuff and personal items and school things are jammed together everywhere.

For long term sanity's sake, it's just not right to be living this way. Make a plan to add more space to your home and you'll feel hope and soon to be relief.


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