3 Reasons an Uncontested Divorce is the Best Kind of Divorce
An uncontested divorce is the best kind of divorce and the type of divorce that all separating couples dream about achieving. Unfortunately, divorce is never easy, and because it is usually an emotionally charged process, uncontested divorces are few and far between. However, with help of an uncontested divorce lawyer in San Antonio, Texas, uncontested divorce is possible. If you and your spouse have agreed to end your marriage, consider the following three reasons for why you should agree to work together at this difficult time in your life and follow through with an uncontested dissolution:
Uncontested Divorce is Quicker and Cheaper
Because uncontested divorces are usually resolved quickly and efficiently, they are much cheaper than contested separations. Most divorce cases drag on for six months to a year. During that time, a couple may accrue outrageous attorney fees, court fees, and mediation fees. In an uncontested divorce, a couple enters the process already agreeing on everything; all that needs to be done is fill out the paperwork, file it and get it approved. With the right attorney on your side, you and your spouse can be divorced and on your merry way within a few short months—and with money still in your pockets.
Uncontested Divorce is Emotionally Easier
The divorce process tends to bring out the worst in couples and can turn every hard feeling into feelings of something akin to hatred. This is not emotionally healthy for either party. If you want to spare your emotions and not dwell on the past, an uncontested divorce is a way to go. An uncontested divorce lawyer in San Antonio, Texas can help you work through and resolve your issues without blowing them out of proportion or instigating hard feelings.
Uncontested Divorce Preserves Dignity
During a divorce, individuals may act out of character and do and say things that they regret later on. This is especially true when children are involved. From name calling to parent-shaming and emotional manipulation to outright lying, there is no end to what divorcing individuals will do to get their way. In an uncontested divorce, the couple agrees to all terms and conditions of the dissolution before they even file the paperwork, which prevents the typical “bad behavior” demonstrated in most cases.
If you and your spouse want to save time and money, safeguard your emotions and preserve your dignity, an uncontested divorce may be right for you. Speak to an uncontested divorce lawyer in San Antonio, Texas today about what you want and expect from your divorce.
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