3 Indications One Need to Consider Rehabilitation Centre Today
Plenty of studies have revealed the fact that millions of individuals across the globe need professional help and treatment for their alcohol or drug dependency. But the more shocking fact is only 1 percent of them receive the help that they need to get rid of their addiction. Candidates that are feeling negative vibes in their life just because of their addiction are highly suggested to seek professional help. Here are the 3 indications that will help substance abusers to understand it is time to seek and ask for professional help, treatment and care.
Major Health Problem Caused by Drug or Alcohol Use
Drinking alcohol at regular interval can causes severe damages to our body including major organs like liver, heart or brain. Taking drugs for a long period of time can cause brain damage, psychosis, cardiovascular failure etc. People that inject drug into their body by injecting unhygienic needles also increase the chance of getting infected with HIV or hepatitis C.
People who experience that they can't stand the effect of drug uses on their body should take it as a sign that they need treatment and care to get rid of their substance dependency. In a situation like this, the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata, as well as in the cities in the world can help substance abusers to find their way towards life beyond their urge of addiction.
Driving Their Car While Feeling High or Intoxicated
It can be very dangerous for everyone that are inside the car or on the road if the person on the driving seat drives the car after getting drunk, buzzed or high. People understand the fact that it is not a good decision to get drunk and drive. But when they are intoxicated or high, they often fail to manage their behaviour under the vibrant influence of the substance that they have used. It should also be considered as a sign that they might need professional help.
Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms
Substance abuser who feels headaches, cramps, paranoia, nausea, insomnia, irritability or other types of illness just after few hours of taking drugs or getting drunk can be considered that they are in greater risk. This type of situation is known as withdrawal symptom that indicates the strength of the addiction and it holds.
Withdrawal symptoms only get worse with time if not treated earlier with care. So people that experience withdrawal symptoms after stop doing drugs or taking alcohol, should also take it as a sign that they might need to visit the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata or in the other cities according to their preference in order to get rid of his/her dependency.
So, these are the 3 signs that no one should take for granted. For any further question regarding this feel free to use the comment box below.