2 Reasons Why Squidoo Is Overrated
Squidoo is a fantastic site to use for getting an extra backlink or distributing extra content. However, I don't really understand why this site gets so much praise and worship when it comes to optimizing and distributing content. I don't personally like using Squidoo for two specific reasons.
Optimizing On Google
I know that you can optimize on Google pretty well with this site but it's extremely unpredictable. You don't know what to expect when you are trying to rank with this site. I have had very little success trying to optimize with Squidoo. Sometimes it takes days or weeks before you actually rank on a keyword that only has 600 website results. I rank on a site within hours with this sort of keyword results.
The other thing that makes this unpredictable is the fact that there are other factors on this site that contributes to its optimization. Either way, if you ask me, it shouldn't be this difficult just optimize one piece of content.
Too Much Going On
There is way too much going on a Squidoo lens. You can't just have content and move forward. You need pictures, amazon products, eBay products and other silly things that pretty much overwhelm a given Suidoo visitor. I do understand that most of these features are optional but you shouldn't have to go through all of that just to share content and not optimize well on Google.
I personally don't understand the purpose of Squidoo lenses. I personally have tried almost all kinds of different ways to get Squidoo optimized and distribute content but it has just been a waste of time for me. It may be for other people but it's not for me for sure.

Comments (10)
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Excellent conversation. I agree that the Squidoo policy about spamming is not good. They can consider your lens as spam and locked it with easy. They don't want your lens to look too advertising. Squidoo has one great advantage. Their lenses are getting high page rank very quickly and very easy. If you create just 10 Squidoo lenses and interlink them almost all lenses will gain page rank 3 at least, for maximum 3 months. Some of the lenses will have page rank 4 or even page rank 5. If you place
Joe Sansoucie
Advertising Your Business Is My Business
Ah Phillippe, you know I can't write! lol Okay I am up for the challenge. :-)
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Joe, that's an awesome comment, very good point. I'd say it's article material, I invite you to write one about what you said, not about Squidoo, but about pleasing your readers. Thanks a lot!
Christian, I highly respect Angelcho, he is thorough in the way he does marketing, so I wouldn't dismiss what he says too fast.
Wesley Anderson
You Are Not Allowed To Be Scammed
Well said Joe. I agree with you 100%
Wesley Anderson
You Are Not Allowed To Be Scammed
I agree with you Philippe. There are many people who look at Squidoo like it's "golden" but I don't think they are all that unless you are trying to get backlinks or something, then you can work it that way but as far as traffic and Google ranking is concerned, they are not all that great. I have had experience with the spam situation too.
Joe Sansoucie
Advertising Your Business Is My Business
I recommend that you don't try so hard to please Squidoo or Google for that matter, instead please your readers. No matter how powerful Squidoo may or may not be, there is no greater advertising power than word of mouth, something Squidoo does not control. :-)
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
By the way, Wesley, 2 things:
1. You have another typo in the text, here: "overwhelm a given Suidoo visitor"
2. I showed your article to a Squidoo group, hoping one of the members would come, I believe Angelcho saw the link and came. I know he likes Squidoo a lot. Myself, I have never been able to create a lens, the 2 or 3 times I tried, the automatic response was that my lens was spam. That was about a year ago, I don't know if they are more flexible now. I have seen some of Angelcho's lens,
Wesley Anderson
You Are Not Allowed To Be Scammed
Thanks Philippe, fixed it....lol! I agree with everything you said Angelcho. It's jut the fact that sometimes ranking on Google is very unpredictable when it comes to Squidoo. It's a personal opinion that I have of Squidoo. I have tried the platform dozens of times and no matter how extensive my keyword research is or what I do content wise, I can't get Squidoo to rank well. I use it from time to time just for backlinking but that might be it. Thanks for your comments Angelcho.
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Affiliate Marketer
Hi Wesley. I can't agree with you. Squidoo is great website. Squidoo lenses are getting high page rank very fast. They are also very competitive even for high-competitive keywords. You can also use them to increase your website page rank. You mentioned that Amazon and Ebay modules bother you. You don' need to use them.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Hello Wesley, may I suggest you edit your article to correct the typo, you wrote "Squioo" instead of "Squidoo" :)