Dynamic Marketing Strategies

Posted by Albert Ingman
Apr 24, 2011

Dynamic Marketing Strategies
by: Albert L. Ingman

Some of the simplest dynamic marketing strategies often produce the most profitable results. Here are some dynamic marketing examples that have proven highly effective for any business.


1.    Dynamic Marketing means keeping in contact with your customers and contacts. Find out as much info about them as possible. (ex: birthdays, anniversaries, kids & spouses birthdays, date company was founded) Send out birthday and anniversary greetings, short and elegant. Always let your people know in advance of a sale. #1 is to keep your name in front of them. Remember, don’t be a pest.

2.    Focus on Your Best Prospects. Imagine how profitable your business would be if more of your new customers were like the best customers you have now. Here's how you can make that happen, take some time to analyze your current customers to determine what key traits they share - and why those traits make them ideal customers for you. Then revise your sales message to appeal specifically to them. However, when a good prospect does not respond to your sales messages, a good dynamic marketing tactic would be to re-assess them. What makes them different and revise your sales strategies accordingly. This will increase both the number of new sales you get and the profitability of each new customer.

3.    Benefits Are Blessings for you! List every benefit there is but good dynamic marketing means gearing the benefits to each customer. What one customer finds important, might not be important to another prospect.

4.    Saving Time and Money Customers usually buy something to save time or to save money. Offer them an opportunity to do both and you will boost your sales. But offer them multiple opportunities to do both and you will cause your sales to soar dramatically.

5.    Dynamic Marketing: Discounts For example, structure your sales message to stress both the time saving and money saving benefits of your product or service. Then include a discount price offer if they buy before a certain deadline (more money saved).

6.    Dynamic Marketing: Deliveries Always set realistic delivery dates. If you cannot deliver all products immediately, tell them what you can do. (ex: you can ship 5000 widgets today and the other 5000 in 7 days)

7.    Make It Quick & Easy To Buy: Make it easy for potential customers to buy from you and more will buy. Look for ways you can make your buying process easier - and faster. Don’t put unnecessary obstacles in their way. When they are ready to say yes you should be ready to say sigh here!

8.    Get their Email Address: Make sure you have a way to get the email addresses of visitors to your web site. You need it to follow up with them. For example, offer them a complimentary special report or other useful information ...delivered only by email.


Each of these dynamic marketing strategies provides a simple way for you to boost your sales and profits quickly. They are simple to use, highly effective and require very little if any new expense.


Comments (2)
Lilian W.


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Jul 5, 2012 Like it
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