Answers to your questions about Club-Asteria

Posted by Jolanta Chudiajeva
Feb 7, 2011

If you've seen Club-Asteria
and you are like most, you probably have a few questions. This is
to be expected so I wanted to take this opportunity to answer some
of the most common questions about this business.

Q: Why remittances? Isn't there another way to help people that
is more profitable?

A: Remittances are a $420+ BILLION Industry that involves every
nation of the world. The lower the cost of sending money to loved
ones, the greater is the much needed support they receive. When
you choose to help deliver this message you can quickly benefit
from the massive revenues available within this sector. Watch the
video called Opportunity in Full on the home page.

Q: How can I earn from this business?

A: Club-Asteria pays in 3 different ways:

[1] Weekly Commission Run to all active Silver and Gold Members.
30% of all program revenues received are paid out to them based
on their participation in the Club. They use a system of Asterios
that are given out to members when they use the programs and
services offered by Club Asteria. The more Asterios you have, the
more you get paid every week!

[2] 40% is paid in commissions and bonuses to members and
Network Directors

[3] 50% of the membership fees paid by the members you have
personally introduced are paid back to you every month - that?s

Q: How can I be sure this is not going to be one of those "here
today - gone tomorrow" businesses?

A: For one thing, the people that put this together are amazingly
talented and successful. The CEO Andrea, is the former director of
The World Bank and has dedicated herself to helping as many people
as she possibly can. In her years of experience in the financial
industry, she saw the incredible amount of money the banks and
financial institutions were stealing from the needy in the form
of high remittance fees. By putting together a program that
lowers these costs, she found an avenue to help the needy while
at the same time giving people the opportunity to tap into this
incredibly profitable industry. There is a LOT of time and money
invested into Club-Asteria and the directors and CEO are in this
for the long haul.

You can meet the directors by choosing About Us then Your Leaders

Q: What else does Club-Asteria do?

A: You can see the long list of What We Do under the About Us
heading on our site, but our main focus is to help people become
financially independent. We provide educational tools and
programs to our members that teach them the skills necessary to
succeed in a job or a business of their own. Education is the
clearest path towards individual growth. Entrepreneurial
education is especially vital to fueling the growth of developing
nations. We have an electronic library that is second to none,
that has been selected to provide the absolute best in
entrepreneurial education, featuring concepts such as: each
person can succeed, improving mindset, changing the mental
attitude of the reader, and most importantly the systems and
tools to succeed in today's changing economic environment.

At Club-Asteria, there is a lot more than meets the eye and I'm
sure you still have questions. It is very simple to get all of
the answers you need. The support staff and myself are available
at all hours and we respond to your inquiries quickly. Of course
YOU must take the first step and fill out the Login/Join form at

I can't wait to hear what you think about our company. Contact me
with any questions and I'll be sharing some of the other amazing
aspects of Club-Asteria in the coming days.

See You At The Top,

Jolanta Chudiajeva

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