Increasing traffic
There are many strategies for increasing the webtraffic in which increasing traffic through traffic exchanges is one of them. Traffic exchanges are the sites which helps in increasing traffic in your website by making you to visit to other websites who are linked with them. They also provide various packages for making people visit your website by paying certain amount for them. So if you want to increase traffic in your website you can opt for some genuine traffic exchanges and can increase traffic in your website.
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Comments (27)
Sweet Jasmine
I thank one and all for providing your valuable feedback, especially @Philippe Moisan and Kevin Brutschea for your good discussion.
Kevin Bru
It's All Up to YOU! Act NOW!
Heyyy, that's cheating Phil, LOL
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Answer : the one that converts :)
Kevin Bru
It's All Up to YOU! Act NOW!
@samichh- LOL, but I bet it made sense when you herad it in your head. But you are correct. Traffic is just traffic unless it stays and buys something. So, here's a question:
What has more success: Website that looks like a business, or one that looks like a salesletter?
Alexandr Sutormin
Russian Navel
That's true, dear -
traffic is traffic from any point of view...
but business is business!..
oh, my God!.. stupid thing said..
Sunmax Traders
Online Forex Trading / Financial Services
Good article & good comments on it also.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Copywriting skills come in handy, cause no matter how awesome your graphics are, the words do most the work, IMO
Rajesh Kumar Dhiman
Your Win Always Behind Your Fear
Thanks for sharing .... But traffic exchanges at the moment only deliver traffic and nothing else, if not used properly... As rightly said above that if we are not using splash / pages with short contents then the TE traffic is useless as in 15 sec time visitors don;t have time to read the contents fully.....
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
"nice thing is that we may just snare a "guru" in our net which will give us access to their "list" "
Bad Kevin wants to make money with gurus, I will report you to the World Internet Gurus Council LOL
Allan Haastrup
As the writer also clearly states in her text:
"There are many strategies for increasing the webtraffic in which increasing traffic through traffic exchanges is one of them"
Ginny Williams
Affiliate and Network Marketing
They are a great choice, but only one of many.
Allan Haastrup
I agree that TE's are a nice source of traffic.
In regards to how effective they are I really think that Kevin has a valid point. Personally I only use splash/capture pages on TE's because the visitor has somewhere from 6-10 maybe 20 seconds to view the page.
If they see a generic webpage, that is what they will think and click to the next site. However, if you create a great splash and show some of the best benefits as headlines with a signup form, perhaps even throw in a little gift to r
Kevin Bru
It's All Up to YOU! Act NOW!
@Phil, LOL, our discussion is turning into it's own article.
@Charles I think the number one mistake newbies, and some veterans (myself included) make,is that we use TE's to drive traffic to directlt to our sites. What is usually more effective is to drive traffic to a lead capture/splash page to get the prospective customer's contact info. We all want to go right after the sale, but list building is far more important. Plus, the nice thing is that we may just snare a "guru" in our net which
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Good point, Kevin.
You know what ? Tour 2nd comment completes the first one, IMHO, making the point clear. Nice work, Kevin.
I do agree that one short paragraph is not really an article. As a matter of fact, I chose to top it because of the interesting discussion you and I have including skycom's comment.
Charles Aki
Marketing and Internet Consultant
Generating traffic through Traffic Exchanges (TEs) is one way to drive traffic to your website. However, I have not found TEs to be effective for traffic generation. Creating a website that is search engine friendly is still my most preferred method for attracting visitors; and it does not cost a whole lot.
Kevin Bru
It's All Up to YOU! Act NOW!
I understand what you're saying Phil and I agree, to a point. I was trying to point out that some write articles that are not articles but SPAM. I could write : "TE's are good, here's a bunch of them", but is that truely an article, and will someone come back to my next article? I merely wanted to make Indian Girl aware of this.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
@Kevin, putting links and recommendations in an article is not SPAM when you are the author. You write the article and try to choose a good headline to attract readers, then you use your credits to launch a campaign to make people see your work. That's advertising, it's 100 % legitimate.
Once members get here, they are not unsolicited people, they came to get more info.
I agree with skycom, I would like for Indian Girl to edit her article and add the TEs she uses that give her results.
Gilberto Cintron
Viral, Local, Social & Mobile Marketing Expert
There are many free ways to drive traffic to your site. Some are better than others. Traffic exchanges are good if you can afford to upgrade or if you have time to click links and review pages.
Lovely Queen
you have achieve my heart by this method.thanks
Andre Hartman
Business Owner
I agree with Enam. Although traffic exchanges increase the amount of visitors, most visitors don't stay. If you want traffic because it will earn you cash do this method. If you want traffic that is going to join your site and be active choose another method. I found that social networking sites are the best for generating quality traffic.