I Be So Glad When This Election Is Over!

Posted by Anginetta W.
Oct 27, 2010

Sad to say that I don't know much about whats going on in this Election. On my way to a Political forum to find out more info.


My beef is that the candidates spend so much time and money saying what the other is or is not doing, and in the end what are they really going to do for the people.


It was said that 3 million dollars was spent on campaign advertising. Foreclosure rate is still up, still no jobs and unemployment benefit funds have run out.


Hmm.... I'm don't know! 

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Comments (4)
Anginetta W.

International Marketing Consultant

Thanks for your comments

Oct 29, 2010 Like it
Betina Y.

Internet Marketer

How true this is! I will also be glad when this election is over because it doesn't really matter who is slinging the most mud at one another now does it??? I would much rather hear how a politician is going to get this country out of it's economic crisis instead. This is the real issue at hand... Thanks for a great post!

Oct 28, 2010 Like it
Leslie Brashear

Money really does need to get out of the process!

Oct 28, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I will also be glad when it is over. I'm tempted to write in Mickey Mouse as a candidate because the last two weeks my phone has been ringing off the hook with spam phones calls. Oh that's right I forgot. Unwanted, unsolicited, annoying spam from political candidates is called 'campaigning'.

Oct 28, 2010 Like it
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