Schnaap Review

Posted by Sonya Parsons
Sep 16, 2010
I joined at launch this morning.  Within a short time they had over 700 members - now they are over 2400 members. I get to promote my primary business to all those members and earn while I promote.

NEWSFLASH JUST IN .........  Get Schnaap Happy!

Join Schnaap Free

Another payout in the books.. 7 hrs, $10,566 paid out in commissions.

Now Aside from the awesome pay plan - there are tons of ways to advertise.

Schnaap offers a wealth of marketing options for the Netpreneur like Guaranteed visitors, text ads, banner ads, solo ads and much more. On the Members Benefits page you will find everything available to you as either a Free or Pro Schnaaper.

Pro Schnaapers:

    * Receive 500 Guaranteed Click Ad Board Credits per month.
    * Receive 10 Guaranteed Click Ad Board Credits per month for every Pro Schnaaper they refer that stays active.
    * Receive a one-time 5 Guaranteed Click Ad Credits for every Free Schnaaper they refer.
    * Earn 5 Guaranteed Click Ad Credits for every website they view for 20 seconds on the Schnaapboard.
    * Can purchase additional Guaranteed Click Ad Board Credits from the Buy Ad Credits page. Pro Schnaapers get a 50% Discount. (50% less than Free Schnaapers pay for ad credits)

Free Schnaapers:

    * Receive a one-time 50 Guaranteed Click Ad Board Credits.
    * Receive 2 Guaranteed Click Ad Board Credits per month for every Pro Schnaaper they refer that stays active.
    * Receive a one-time 1 Guaranteed Click Ad Credits for every Free Schnaaper they refer.
    * Earn 1 Guaranteed Click Ad Credits for every website they view for 20 seconds on the Schnaapboard.
    * Can purchase additional Guaranteed Click Ad Board Credits from the Buy Ad Credits page. Free Schnaapers do NOT get a Discount.

Here's the matrix scoop ....

= > You just need TWO to cycle! < =

and those 2 can come from:
- you,
- below you,
- above you,
- flow-up effect and
- additional filler positions.

The first FULLY Integrated Marketing Network
AND WICKED Income Generator!

Join Schnaap Free

This Itsy, Bitsy, Teeny, Weeny 2x1 Matrix
will have you saying... OH SCHNAAP!

- Earn $15 every time your 2 matrix positions fill.
- FREE re-entry (over and over)
- Earn $7.50 every time a referral cycles
- THEY follow YOU every re-entry.
- Additional Filler Positions each month
- FLOW-UP effect *****

***** The Flow-Up effect takes Schnaap from

Once you Schnaap-In, the money just won't quit!

= > Let's face it, Schnaap is a BEAST! < =

Hurry up and Register FREE now - then
watch the video on the next page:

Join Schnaap Free

To your success,

Sonya Parsons
Skype: success2x2
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