15 Common SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

Jul 31, 2019

Loads and loads of content are being created, published, and promoted online. With an increasing number of consumers, the competition for attracting the audience has been a tough task. And because of this, you need to optimize your website and blog for better results. Incorrect doing of SEO will lead to the downfall of businesses; massive web traffic and increasing conversion rates will be impossible!

SEO has been undergoing staggering growth since the early days of keyword-focused content.  In the quest for creating “Perfect” content, making mistakes is quite natural. For providing supreme user-centric content, there are some mistakes that you can easily avoid.

Below are the 15 common SEO mistakes you should avoid:

• Choosing the Wrong Keyword

For optimizing, choose the right set of keywords by keeping in mind the preferences of search engines and users.  Try to understand what words your probable customers will use. Making use of Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and SEMrush, etc. can help you locate suitable trending words for optimizing your content.

• Forgetting Page Titles And Meta Descriptions

The most natural part is to fix your page titles and add Meta descriptions, which is very important to SEO. This is a major problem for small business owners building their own websites. Having the page title as “Home” or your “website name” does not help at all!

• Not Running Regular Website Audits

Having a website audits are very necessary. Audits check for the relevant factors, such as mobile responsive, proper site navigation, loading speed for both mobile and desktop versions and broken links, etc. These ranking factors check the entire website’s functionality and performance, which helps to improve the ranking of the site based on the search engine algorithm. Focusing on this part is crucial.

• Placing Important Text in Images Rather Than On the Page

Placing text inside the image may make the image look nice but the point is that search algorithms look for text, and the text inside the image cannot be read by them. The text should be included outside the image to get indexed.

• Not Having Unique Content

Reusing already constructed content is not the correct way, and you could be penalized for that. Always take time to construct unique titles, Meta tags, contents, etc.

• Buying Backlinks

Buying backlinks from banned sites is not what you should do. You should earn them. Your links should appear on websites that have high authority and user traffic!

• Falling Behind On SEO Trends

You should never follow the same SEO marketing strategies. SEO is constantly changing, and you need to be up to date with the new trends!

• Doing SEO Only Once         

You should not do SEO only once. Doing it once and then forgetting it is the worst kind of mistake. Small business owners should constantly keep on updating the content about their products and services.

• Forgetting Image Optimization

The images on your website or blog can firmly impact the user experience by helping you tell your story to search engines. Optimizing the image size for each screen size will help the page load easily.

• Focusing over Quantity and Not Quality

In terms of competition, writing more content than the other person does not assure positive results! The content should be a quality piece that attracts the audience. Creating a content strategy that includes the audience and keyword topic research is the best solution for this.

• Not optimizing URLs or Site Structure

Leaving the title of the page as URL does not help you at all. It only leads to longer URLs that do not help you with your search rankings. URLs should always be short and optimized with keyboards.

•  Forgetting About Analytics

Setting up and reviewing your analytics daily is essential for your optimization results. Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools are two such tools you can use to measure and get an analysis of your website’s performance.

•  Squeezing Keywords into Your Content

You should write your content for target audiences. Your focus should be on the customers’ needs by arranging considerate and relevant content. SEO should always take care of itself.

•  Placing Difficult-to-Read Blocks of Contents

You should always avoid hard-to-read contents, and users will always move on if they are not able to understand it. Make use of headline tags to make the content easier to read and send a positive signal to search engines.

•  Forgetting to include relevant and helpful internal links

Internal links are important to keep people busy and notifying that you have more to offer. Always make sure to link to other content on your website.

Making mistakes is quite common. So it’s best to keep in mind all the above points and ensure that you avoid them during your marketing efforts. Easier to recognize, easier to correct!!

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