Difference between DVD and VHS?

Posted by blazevideo
Jun 12, 2010

DVD=Digital Video Disk
VHS=Video Home System
DVD is is different with VHS in the following ways:

1. Audio and video information on VHS tape is embedded on a magnetic imprint that has been recorded on video tape and is physically read by a rotating head in a VCR. Video and audio information on a DVD is embedded in physically stamped pits that are read optically by a laser. (VideoFlick)

In an ironic twist of fate, a DVD, physically has more in common with the traditional vinyl record than video tape. Audio signals on a vinyl record are imprinted in physical grooves, which are physically read by a stylus. The difference, besides the groove vs pits disc construction, is that the signal on a vinyl record is an analog waveform and the signal on a DVD are digital bits.(HDTV Player)

2. DVD is capable of providing twice the video resolution than VHS, making for a much more detailed image and better color consistency.

3. In addition DVD supports synchronized multiple camera angle viewing, provided the filmmaker supplies the alternate camera angle footage shot during the filming process to the DVD production staff.

4. You can access any part of the DVD in a random or very fast manner, whereas you have to fast forward or rewind a VHS tape to find a specific location on the tape.

5. DVDs are not affected by magnetic fields. Commercial DVDs cannot be erased.

6. DVD can support both standard 4x3 and anamorphic wide-screen 16x9 screen aspect ratios.

7. DVD is capable of interactive menu access and added features, such as multiple language tracks, audio commentaries, and additional features not capable on the VHS format. DVD also supports Closed Captioning and On/Off Subtitling in several languages.

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