14 Factors That Make PHP So Popular for Web Development

Posted by Dreamsoft Infotech
Mar 3, 2022
Website Design Company India

PHP is engaged as a server-side programming language in 78 percent of the websites, as per w3techs data. It substantially outperforms ASP.NET, Java, Static Files, and ColdFusion in terms of market share. In other words, PHP’s popularity has skyrocketed, and it is now undoubtedly the most widely used programming language around the globe. Here are a few basic explanations behind PHP’s popularity.

Different factors have led to increasing the popularity of PHP

Given below are some of the factors why many companies hire dedicated PHP developers in India and abroad.

1. Simplicity: Programming with PHP is similar to writing an article in the English language.  Writing a PHP script is simple, and unlike other programming languages, PHP does not need complex coding skills. As a result, programmers may create scripts that are highly personalized. However, for developing the best PHP websites with appealing features, hiring experienced and dedicated PHP developers would be recommended. Click to know Why is PHP apt for Website and App Development?

2. Open-source framework: PHP is an open-source platform, which means it is free, easy to use, and comes with a wealth of documentation. All of this combines to make PHP one of the most intelligent systems in use today, with applications such as Wikipedia, Twitter, WordPress, and others. Since PHP is open-source, it is also accessible to novice developers who wish to put their coding skills to the test.

3. Excellent Content Management System (CMS): PHP has fulfilled the requirement for high-end CMS customization at a time when technology and the internet are moving toward dynamic content. PHP makes programming amoebous (timesharing and multitasking network system that allows a user to see a whole network of computers as if it were a single machine), enabling programmers to update their code whenever they choose. Every site built using PHP is extremely adaptable, allowing for the frequent updates and changes that are necessary for today’s industry. PHP has therefore been used to create content management systems such as Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress.

4. Adaptable: All major platforms can execute PHP code, enabling PHP developers in India to manage the sites at various stages. For enterprises, this means cost-effective use of the existing framework and compatibility for platforms such as Linux, Windows, and UNIX as well as further assistance for Apace and MySQL integration.

5. Quantifiable and efficient: The fact that the largest social network, Facebook, relies on PHP demonstrates this. Since PHP is so beneficial for a dynamic platform, a successor language called “Hack” was created to fulfill the shifting development demands. In contrast to other competing languages, PHP upgrades do not need a server reboot.

6. Extensions and other add-ons are readily accessible: In the world of web development, PHP is the most versatile language. It enables designers to build and upgrade new functions that keep consumers engaged. Extensions and plugins can assist novice developers in overcoming programming problems.

7. Best for developers: PHP has a large collection of materials and tutorials to support it. Hence, it becomes easy for dedicated PHP developers to get acquainted with the latest information related to the PHP programming language. Thus, it would be always a wise idea to hire dedicated PHP developers in India to develop a cost-efficient PHP website, compatible with various servers and applications. PHP is capable of supporting quick response times as well as efficient yet secure online platforms and apps.

8. Quick and safe: Every company desires its website or application to be both quick and safe. PHP utilizes its very own memory and performs effectively in terms of performance, particularly in later versions.

Although there have been concerns regarding PHP security in the past, it is important to remember that now it has become equally secure like other programming languages.

One significant advantage is that, as a result of its extensive usage and community support, there are now a plethora of tools, frameworks, and practice guidelines available to assist developers in fixing vulnerabilities; especially, cyberattacks associated with it.

9. Databases are well-linked: PHP makes it simple to connect to practically any database in a safe manner. This allows developers greater flexibility in deciding which database is suitable for the application they’re working on.

10. Tested and proven: One of the big advantages is that PHP code has been well-tested in a variety of real-world scenarios. The language has been stabilized and developers can trust it now that the major flaws have been identified and resolved. Furthermore, various frameworks and tools have been developed throughout time to aid in the safe, efficient, and successful creation of PHP web applications.

11. Economical: Since PHP has been an open-source platform, it does not need the use of any extra pricey add-ons additionally. Besides this, there are no additional licenses or royalties to pay, and there are no limits of any kind for usage. Thus, for a company, this factor helps to reduce the total website development cost.

12. Development tailored to your specifications: The client-side PHP is the ideal tool for building customized websites since it doesn’t have any restrictions. As a result, developers may construct a PHP-based online platform that precisely meets the demands of customers. For example, when integrated with JavaScript, the development team may create a website that is both functional and attractive.

13. Versatility: PHP’s platform independence makes it suitable for usage on a variety of operating systems, including Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, and it works with the majority of popular web browsers. As a result, it may be easily deployed on a wide range of systems and platforms without incurring extra costs.

14. Flexible Database: PHP is flexible and easy to use when it comes to database connectivity, which means that it’s simple to establish a secure connection with virtually any kind of database. Databases of various types may be accessed, although MySQL is the most popular as it is open source and free to use. In this way, developers have greater flexibility when it comes to selecting a database for their applications.

To sum up:
Given all that has been discussed, it is reasonable to conclude that PHP has gotten more efficient and capable of handling a variety of tasks while being user-friendly and inexpensive. PHP is the ideal option for business applications because of its simple syntax and rapid onboarding. If you wish to hire a dedicated PHP developer in India to create a PHP-based website, you can contact DreamSoft Infotech with your queries.

Originally Published Link: https://dreamsoftinfotech.com/blog/14-factors-that-make-php-so-popular-for-web-development/
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