icanget2 Silent Salesman Mobile Marketing App

Feb 18, 2010

Earn $3.00 per month on a $14.95 sale.

Everyone wants a cell phone app of their own.
With the sale of your first app you will be entered into the 2x14 forced matrix. You will then have your upline,downline and your self building for you.
Who is at the top? 
Michael T Glaspie

It's a brand new very simple 2x14 forced matrix. A program where I am at the #1 spot and if nobody ever joined it ever (which would be impossible), I would eventually fill the matrix by myself. Remember my record? 11,000 people just in one program? A 2x14 matrix has 32,766 people in it... I can fill that on my own. Not overnight, it might take some time but I can do it. But I won't need to do it by myself. And neither will you!

Don't Forget!

The people above you and the people below you are all helping you fill your matrix. (Including me... I am at the top of your personal matrix, also helping you fill your matrix!) It's the amazing power of teamwork working for you... And all of these people also get their share of the 60% commissions we pay out on this amazingly affordable $14.95 per month program.

Darrel (MyMagic) Hoover

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