double identity----a short story
i thought i am
respectable ,old man. a teacher and an educationist of some sort--i must behave
calm and humble--so i took up the role fo a mature person--gentle
,understanding and considerate--but in process i got rebukes ,comments on my
community ,sarcastic comment on my vocabulary posts--insult on my bring always on
site--(it was because of unlimited internet connection as i rarely switched off
during peak hours }--in my inbox friends in a tongue -in-cheek manner
asked me about stocks knowing well that i cannot answer except on blue chips-
the dice was set --it became a hobby to get on my
literary negatives--what business there is of english language in a stock
site--when this professor teaches --he is on market buying selling stocks--my
answers wee simple--i have only two classes an i teach stocks and shares
---so buying in market is my professional
duty---then i have to leave my teaching job --to take care of old parents and
look after other members at home--but no--a friend got me cornered as he
thought a teacher ought to be in class room--but then i was no more in job
where i also used to teach stocks--the criticism came from a fake
and double identity--i was a bit surprised and pained --all my humble
nature meant nothing --i was culprit of writing messages here instead of
teaching english grammar--but i knew i was right and i replied politely to a
fake or double identity--the matter was over------------
and then i thought of having a double
identity myself--i called myself ACID TONGUE and registered here--my first
target was a famuos personality--so i called him abnormal and posted and
then anger arose in all posts --and so as acid tongue ---my fake identity---i started to
put more and more insulting comments for others--instead of investing i begin
to watch stop loss of calls given by others ---one young fellow was popular as
a youngsters --he was ashoo--a young lad who had good call success rate--so i
pulled his leg every time his stock hit --i would scream --STOP LOSS HIT --but
after some days that very stock would go up then i would just keep
my real identity was in tact---and persons would abuse my new identity--i
became a sadist--i started going to thread of all vetarans and without regard
to age or experience i kept on using dirty criticism --members posted a lot in
my thread--abused me ,called me sily--but i was enjoyin this all----in my real
identity i was behaving in good cultured manner ---i was praised for my scrips
recommendation and friends adored--so one day i decided to use my fake identity
against my real identity
THE STORY CONTINUES----SO I CALLED NY REAL IDENTITY PERSON AS CHEAT WHO HAS STOLEN IDENTITY OF SOME ONE ELSE---I SAID HIS EXISTENCE IS AMN ADOPTED ONE ---MEMBERS UNLEASHED AND SHOWED ANGER AGAINST MY FALSE IDENTITY--NOW IT WAS MYSELF AGAINST MYSELF--my one identity was satyadev--profile--sober,elderly ,quiet and inspiring others----the other identity was ACID TONGUE----quarrelsome,domineering and a leg puller--basically meant to distract good call givers of nifty and stocks --i begin to use one id against other--i woulD abuse satyadev and then as satyadev i would post to look hurt---IT WAS NOW SATYADEV VS ACID TONGUE---THE DICE WAS CAST AND MEMBERS CAME TO RESCUE OF SATYADEV---MY DOUBLE ID MADE ME cYNOSURE OR CENTRE OF ATTRACTION---now whenever i wanted my thread to be on top i simply criticised satyaev with id of acid tongue--i got totally fixed with idea of getting my thread on top as if it were the main aim of life---but then this silly folly of mine begin to Affect my own mind---