Jerusalem Artichoke Excellent Advernture.
No this is not and old episode of the Young Ones, but this week I discovered the sexiness of Jerusalem Artichokes.
You might be mistaken to think that this looks like ginger, but this is in the same family as the potato or yam. I think what I like most about this vegetable is the smell, but it has some very important qualities.
The misnamed Jerusalem artichoke has no real link with Jerusalem, and isn't related to other artichokes. It looks a bit like a knobbly pink-skinned ginger root and has a sweet, nutty flavour, reminiscent of water chestnuts.
Although not widely used (perhaps because of its awkward appearance or anti-social effects - see NUTRITION), it is an inexpensive and versatile food that can be used both raw and cooked and makes a delicious soup.
Jerusalem artichokes are very rich in inulin, a carbohydrate linked with good intestinal health due to its parabiotic (bacteria promoting) properties. These health benefits come at a price; the food can have a potent wind-producing effect.
Jerusalem artichokes also contain vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium and are a very good source of iron. (ref eat the seasons).
The Healing Power of Jerusalem Artichoke Fiber by Michael Loes, M.D., MD.(H.) of the health advisory board of The Doctors Prescription for Healthy Living. Antibiotics are very important medicines but may end up destroying both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in the body. Inulin is a widely used natural medicine in Europe that helps persons taking antibiotics.
Cooking : With Jerusalem artichokes, the plumper they are the better - there will be fewer knobbly bits to discard. A good trick to determine flavour is to nibble on one. Avoid those that are soft or sprouting. Choose those of similar size as this will ensure they cook evenly.
Wash 750g Jerusalem artichokes. Preheat the oven to 350C. Place the artichokes in a baking pan with 4-5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and toss so they are coated. Season with salt and pepper. Roast for 10 minutes, then toss and return to the oven for 10 minutes. Check them with a sharp knife - they should pierce easily.
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