Why Should You Care about a "Magic Blog Post"?

Posted by Melanie Milletics
Jul 10, 2009

Should you care about what is a Magic Blog Post?

Is there a “Magic Formula” for creating a blog post that will guarantee that it ranks high in the search engines for the keywords you are targeting on your home business blog?

Well, almost! Nothing can guarantee those kinds of results, but as with anything else, following ‘best practices’ is key to your success in blogging for home business!

Recently I attended an Internet Marketing Masters Seminar that completely blew my mind! The speakers totally spilled their guts about what works to dominate the internet for your niche.  I was left with incredible strategies to implement, and I just KNEW I had to share them with YOU!

Melanie Milletics and Jason Develvis
Melanie Milletics and Jason Develvis

I was particularly inspired by one of the teachers, a young man by the name of Jason Develvis. Jason has worked smart online for years- and despite the fact that he looks like a kid : ) , Jason knows his $tuff!

Jason taught us exactly how to create a blog post that ranks high in the search engines and is in fact so ‘sticky’, you will own your key word phrase!  Simply follow the formula below when writing your blog post, and you will be halfway there.  The second part is The 6 Step process to drive traffic to your Blog.

Magical Blog Post Formula

  • Use a question as the title of the blog post
    That way, when someone types into the search engine “How do I …”, they find your answer!
  • Start the post with a story. Any kind of story... real, or imaginary!
  • Reiterate the problem, or restate the question you are addressing.  Remember, your post provides VALUE, something to help the reader solve a problem (like, how to get blog traffic!).
  • Give a short, bulleted list of solutions or steps to the solution.
  • Explain the solution and the steps to implement it.
  • Give a resource that can help them to get bigger, better, easier, faster results.
  • Add an internal link and an external link to your keyword/ keyphrase.
    An internal link is a link that links back to another page on your blog that is relevant to the blog post.  An external link will link it to another site on the net that is relevant.

The "Magical Blog Post" is half of the solution to the problem of a blog that sits without any traffic. The other half is "The 6 Step Process to Drive Traffic to Your Blog" . When you create your blog posts with the Magical Formula, then drive the traffic, you can be certain you are working with the strategies that internet experts use to rank in the search engines.

To learn from blogging experts, you may want to check out The Internet Marketing University’s 30 Day Challenge.  It is a totally free intro course to blogging that leaves absolutely nothing to question about how to earn income with your blog.

Wait! Don't have a blog yet? Here are your Complete Intructions For Setting up Your WordPress Blog : )

Originally posted at: Magic Blog Post

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