13 Misconceptions of Cleaning Services Find in Lethbridge

Posted by Chris Bernard
Sep 2, 2017

There are many misconceptions about cleaning. Such misconceptions can cause because of cleaning methods and cleaning products. The use of quality cleaning service Lethbridge can only be achieved to understand the correct cleaning methods and products. Hence, before hiring a janitor contractor in Lethbridge, you need to aware of the 13 common misconceptions of cleaning services.

1.    Bleach Is an Ideal Cleaner For All Surfaces

This is the most common misconception about cleaning. Though it can clean germs quickly, this may be unsafe to use at home if you’ve children or pets.

2.    Any Cleaning Products Can be Used for Every Cleaning Work

Many believe that any cleaning products can be used for all types of cleaning work. While there are some products that can be used for one task but can be terrible in other ways. You need to choose the right product for a particular task.

3.    All Cleaning Products Need To Be Sprayed and Wiped-Off Immediately

Another common misconception about cleaning is that all products that work right away don’t require any soaking.

4.    Bleach Works Best with Hot Water

Many people believe that bleach and hot water is a perfect pair. But you need to understand that you shouldn’t mix bleach and hot water.

5.    Vinegar is the Ideal Disinfectant

Vinegar can only remove junk but doesn’t kill any germs. It can’t be used for every purpose.

6.    Using More Detergent Suggests Everything is Cleaner

It’s true that adding extra detergent may be helpful when it comes to cleaning heavy soiled clothing but that doesn’t mean you’ll use it everywhere. You need to understand the product.

7.    Frequent Carpet Vacuuming Can Ruin Carpet

It’s another common misconception about carpet cleaning. In fact, the ideal thing to do is cleaning your carpet on a regular basis.

8.    All Green Cleaning Products Safe to Use

A Green Label on the cleaning product doesn’t necessarily ensure that it can be safe to use on all surfaces.

9.    If It Smells Clean; It Must Be Clean

Many homeowners believe that just because the area smells flowery and fresh, it means the area is clean and tidy.

10.    Steam Clean Your Carpet Can Cause To Stinking and Growing Mold

People worry that carpets smelling stale after cleaning. Steam cleaning is the best way to clean your carpets.

11.    Homemade Products Don’t Do Well Compare To Commercial Ones

There is a misconception among many that using commercial cleaning products is better than homemade products. In fact, homemade products are useful than any other ways.

12.    Hair Spray to Remove Ink Stains

This method is only effective if contains alcohol. Instead of using hair spray, you can use alcohol to remove ink stains.

13.    Newspaper Is the Perfect Alternative of Paper Towels to Wash Windows

Newspapers can be used to clean windows but it can also leave smeared ink from the newsprint on the frames of the wall.

To conclude with, you should also debar from using furniture polish material for wood polishing all the time.

When you know about the right way to do cleaning or at least know about the misconceptions concerning cleaning then the task becomes easier and safer for you.

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