Is It Possible To Make Money Online Quickly - Like Within 30 Minutes!

Posted by Yolanda Parson
Feb 18, 2009
Image A lot of people selling their products claim, "Make money 30 minutes from now".  I want to give you some thoughts on this because there are some important lessons you can take from it:

    *     Yes, it is possible..

      Firstly, it is technically possible to make money literally within 30 minutes. Using a relatively small budget of $20-$30 in pay per click advertising costs to get immediate traffic, you can be making profits very quickly. However to be able to do that, as a matter of routine, takes considerable skills and experience in the method that is employed. I could quickly describe that to you here, but what would be the outcome ... you might get fired up and jump to it ...


      You haven't developed any real skills - you just got a short term benefit
      OK, all fine and good, now what would be the short term benefit of that? You may make some quick money. BUT - what you have done is just followed instructions - blindly. Have you developed any re-usable skills? Have you understand and recognized what skills were required in order to get to this level where I could tell you all this information? No you haven't. So what long term skill have you developed or what long term benefit will you derive? None.

      What would you rather have?

          To acquire, develop and perfect the knowledge, perception and skills that allow you to reproduce this ability over and over again for almost any online market whilst being able to use a variety of methods to monetize your visitors? Or to just go for some short-term gain?

      I know you want to develop the skills - the long term skills - which are the real assets. These are the skills and know-how that can lead you to be making at least a six figure income instead of just making a few thousand a month like most people who are trying to make money online (if that).

      Now here comes my point:

      To get to this level you have to educate yourself across a number of disciplines. Once you start building your knowledge, start practicing and implementing the techniques, and seeing how all these disciplines come together, you will start seeing how opportunities are identified and exploited using your skill sets. These skill sets are what Profit Lance System is about. I want you have to long term benefits. I want you to be at least a Marketer, not a "Wanna-be" or "Newbie".

    *      You need to build long term skills and master the disciplines
      This way you will be able to build huge riches, not short term gains. You will be able to build a business - not give yourself your own day job. That's the difference.

      In this course and through the reading material, practical tasks and projects, you will be developing a multitude of skills in different disciplines. Examples include: niche research, keyword research, identifying profitable niches, very clever ways of developing products, seeing exactly what is selling and what is not, testing market response, mastering pay per click, building and implementing strategies for free traffic, how to develop products for free, the importance of tracking, effective copywriting, writing to convince, conversion tactics, the concept of over delivering, and so on. There is so much more still.

      As you build these skills, you will start having independence of thought and self reliance - you won't need "gurus" any more, and you will start to use your skills to build stable online businesses.

    *      To summarize..
      You can make money very quickly. But don't lose focus. Be someone who builds for the long term. Be someone who invests in themselves and their education. I want you to remember this whilst you partake in this course and use the system components and resources. I want you to understand what you are doing at each stage, and where it fits in the overall scheme of things.

This article was written by Michael Andrews

The ProfitLance Course
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