Truthfully... Here's the BIGGEST MONEY-MAKING HINT I can give you...

Dec 10, 2008
Truthfully... Here's the BIGGEST MONEY-MAKING HINT I can give you...
As you read this, you are either part of a team now, or you will (or should) be the leader of a team later.

The keyword here is TEAM! Especially if you want to make money with SFI.

In SFI you are a member of a team, and you must have your own team to excel.
And having a team requires that you personally sponsor new people - free affiliates - into SFI.

By yourself, alone, you can do little. But as part of a team, then soon as head of a team, the sky's the limit for you in SFI.

When EACH MEMBER of your SFI team, and you now or eventually as the leader, become EA and produce EAs, every month,
then you will have put yourself on track for earning the most money with SFI in just about the quickest way possible.

The only way you can do better is by making personal retail sales of SFI's products and services... which you should at least try to do.
SFI recommends it and both the Affiliate Center and DBoard threads give you information and tips on how to easily sell retail.

But this very easily understood process of getting wealthy with SFI, the one that I'm about to tell you about and explain in the simplest terms I can, is what makes SFI one of the best opportunities on the planet.

The synergy and the serendipity of TEAM cooperation is what gets all of this done for you and for every member of your team, but... if and only if every member of your team who wants what you want also does what you do.

And it all starts with you.

When any team member of yours follows you and does what you have done, that team member will also get what you have received from SFI. The same rewards. Very soon after too!

Both SFI and I can guarantee and promise you this, that IF you and committed members of your team use SFI's system and each of you do what is specified in the first post in this thread, and also use the hint in this post, BOTH YOU AND THEY WILL GET RICH WITH SFI, VERY WEALTHY TOGETHER IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME. Starting with you, and then them soon thereafter LIKELY THE VERY NEXT MONTH. Why can we say this? Because by doing so you each will quickly rise to team leadership with ever-increasing amounts of income.

The bottom line MESSAGE and LESSON of this urgent and encouraging COMMUNICATION from me is for YOU to become EA and learn to produce EAs, today. It's EASY! The money WILL follow. You can count on it. I know. It's happening for me.

So... How to do it?

Talk with your team members!
Let each of them know what is possible!
Get them on board agreeing to do what it is you do!
Get their commitment to perform the same actions for their team members!

Something similar to this...

"Help Me Help You"
"Help me, work with me to help you (and me too of course) get rich using SFI's money-making system".
"If you will become an Executive Affiliate, like me, we can earn a lot of money with SFI. I know how it's done."
"Become EA any way you like. It's your choice. But for this plan to work through teamwork, we MUST all be EA!"
"Stick with me! Please, do what I show you how to do, and together you and I, and our teams, will get it done!"

Ask this of every member on your team!. Have each committed team member ask this of all their team members too!

Show them this thread information.
Or send them the URL address of the thread.
Get them to follow this same plan that you, too, soon will be following.

Then when you agree with me, and committed members of your team agree with you, and we all work together and spend time every day to get our goals accomplished, you will surprise yourself how well you've done at the end of every month, and we each will soon be laughing all the way to our banks!

It works! Proven by thousands of SFI's leaders (see the SFI Leaderboard at
This is NOT bogus hype! This is real. This is DUPLICATION. And it does work!!

SFI's leaders have done it. So can YOU!

SFI has set up its system and money-making process so that most of the work is done for you.
And I have given you my key hint to help you even more to make money fast.

BUT... YOU and YOUR TEAM must also do your part of the WORK!
Which is simply become EA and produce EAs from your group of personally sponsored team members.
And your team members must continue this on down line with every committed SFI affiliate member of their teams.

Each of you CAN and WILL get rich this way IF you each will do the same every month.
Have faith in the system! Duplicate! Plan your work, and work your plan!

> Produce personally sponsored affiliates, PSAs.
> Become an Executive Affiliate Leader yourself soon.
> Produce EA Leaders from your team of committed PSAs.
> Make sure every PSA on your team sees this document, regularly!

Identify your new SFI affiliates.
Identify your affiliates who login to SFI.
Identify your affiliates who are sponsoring.
Identify the buyers and retail sellers.
These affiliates, the ones you identify, are your prospective Executive Leaders,
the committed Affiliates who will follow you and become EA,
the ones who, like you, will soon be wealthy SFI Leaders.

===>>> EA <<<===
I do it.You do it. Your PSAs do it.
Then... We all, through teamwork,
Succeed and Profit Wildly!
===>>> tEAm <<<===

(Don't be EA??? BIG MISTAKE!)


Sure-Fire Method! Make over $60,000/year in less than 1 year! Exact process revealed!
If you want to get very, very, very wealthy using SFI, here's something you MUST do!
Could you use an extra $3,000+, $12,000+, $25,000+, $40,000+, even $60,000+ per year?

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