BuddyPond New PTC Paypal Verified

New PTC - Just Launched - Great Admin - Paypal Approved - International
This is a must join PTC .
You get paid to click on ads and visit websites. It's free, easy, and it's fun!
You simply click a link and view a website for twenty seconds to earn.
BuddyPond pays $0.005 (half a cent) per website visit
and $0.002 (one fifth a cent) per buddy (referrals) website visit.
$5 Minimum Cashout (can be used for advertising as well)
Buddypond has lots of various options for commission payout such
as "PayPal', 'Check', 'Money Order', 'Visa Gift Card', 'WalMart Gift Card',
'Amazon Gift Card', 'E-Gold', and other methods for payouts may be added.
Click here to Join BuddyPond
