Do You Go Forward?
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Many storms will hit the islands of Japan, much rain and wind. Many roads get torn up and many houses get ripped apart and some people get killed, because of the effects of the storms. The storms of life also come to every single person on planet earth.
For example in 2007;
My computer crashed (never to return). The boiler for hot water blew up. My daughters van engine suddenly stopped working,( We junked it). I had two flat tires at the same exact time on my van (Then it started to rain) Ha! Ha!The air conditioners broke down. Water filter system, suddenly needed new filters. The septic tank pump broke and the water pumps, to pump the drinking water quit working. We had to rush my wife to the emergency hospital, for she almost died on me. We Ended the year by having a funeral for my wife`s mother who did die.
In every bad situation that came our way, we could have complained and we could have quit or gave up. My wife and i learned that complaining never changes the situation around. It is making a choice, to quit or to go back or do nothing. The best way is going forward. We have learned that our future is facing us and it is not behind us at all. My wife and i are faith missionaries and we follow Jesus. We are not looking around for Him, we follow Him and He is going forward, not backwards.
When i wake up in the morning, as i am going to the bathroom.
I Thank Jesus that we did not die in our sleep last night.
Everyday is a new day, Everyday is a new beginning, Everyday is a fresh start in life. Today is better than it was yesterday and tomorrow will be even better. No matter what you are facing right now, do not keep looking at your present circumstances but look forward and step forward. Do not let anything or anyone pull you down, give all your cares to Jesus, because He cares for you. You have been created for a purpose and no one can fulfill that purpose but you!
Going Forward
David & Katsue
Comments (2)
Yuki Lukasiak
I agree with you 100%
Thank you for the encouraging words of not giving up! but to keep pressing forward!
Complaining is really not worth it!!